McCartney to lead Super Bowl heroes tribute


Staff member
Ok Now i know i will not watch the pregame show this year.

LOS ANGELES(Reuters) - Paul McCartney will join hip-hop diva Mary J. Blige, Latin heartthrob Marc Anthony and pop songstress Mariah Carey in a star-spangled burst of musical patriotism planned for the Super Bowl pregame telecast next month, the Fox network said Wednesday. Insiders said veteran entertainer Barry Manilow also will give a life performance of a song he recently composed, ``Let Freedom Ring.'' Fox said the pop groups Barenaked Ladies and No Doubt also will appear.

Ok now for gwen i'd watch just that part. But i definately will be watching halftime with U2....:D


I think the two singles he put out recently are better than some of the music he has put out over the years. My biggest disappointment was when he did a duet with Micheal Jackson called: "Say Say Say" several years ago. I cannot even stand to look at Jackson let alone listen to his music.


New Member
What is with these whacked out combinations? I'm not a big football fan, did they always do wierd combos with people?

I personally like Marc Anthony's music, and used to like Barry Manilow *gasp* (I'm a geek, I know) but I think Mariah is a has-been whore and I don't think Mary J had much talent to begin with. Yes, U2 is a must-see definately.

S4, I agree with you about MJ; I don't think many people can look at him anymore without grimacing or pitying him. I just can't fathom why he would do that to himself. I thought he was decent-looking before all that surgery.


Staff member
I'm having a Superbowl Party this year and our pregame show will consist of 2 vs. 2 simulations in Madden 2002 on the PS2 and half-time show will be Playmate Fear Factor.



New Member
(To clarify, patriotism in and of itself isn't bullshit. The vast majority of "patriots" these days are bullshitting, because it's the cool thing to do to be patriotic now. I've really had enough of all this newfound patriotism and all these American flags in places they've never been before, because I know it's all done to comply with the trend. If you were patriotic on September 10, great, fine, I salute you for it. But high school wrestling matches never had the national anthem sung before them, at least none of the ones I ever went to or wrestled in. Other than at Old Navy the month before Independence Day, American Flag T-shirts were pretty hard to find. You never saw Ford Excursions and Honda Civics with American Flag stickers on them before.)