FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
What is the mission of Lindows.com™? Lindows.com is dedicated to bringing choice to the desktop computer…choice in operating systems, formats and applications. For too long there hasn’t been much choice for an operating system on your desktop computer, and that lack of choice, as with any market, has been unhealthy for the consumer. LindowsOS will be Lindows.com’s first product to help carry out this mission. Of course, Lindows.com knows that offering a reliable, easy-to-use, and compatible OS that can run both Linux® and Windows® software titles will not be an easy task. But they’re confident they have the necessary resources, management team and vision to bring together the right people and technologies to offer a choice in computer operating systems. This job will require a lot more than just Lindows.com…many developers, companies, and even consumers, will hopefully join in this ambitious quest.
Who is behind Lindows.com? Michael Robertson is the CEO, founder, and central visionary behind Lindows.com. Prior to starting Lindows.com, he was the founder and CEO of MP3.com, the Internet’s premier Music Service Provider. MP3.com was sold in September of 2001 and is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Vivendi Universal (NYSE: V). Michael has rallied a core team of smart and motivated individuals and partners, both inside and outside of Lindows.com, to help bring his vision to life. Michael knows building a new OS is not going to be easy, but he has a well-known reputation from taking on big challenges.
Who will benefit from using LindowsOS? Office workers, home computer users, students – just about anyone who uses a desktop computer can benefit from LindowsOS. The pricing, ease of use, compatibility, and stability will make LindowsOS suitable for the novice or the MIS manager supervising a number of computers.
When will LindowsOS be ready for distribution? The LindowsOS Preview Release will be available before year-end, with Version 1.0 coming in the 1st Quarter of 2002. To be notified the moment the LindowsOS Preview Release is available, please, join our mailing list.
How much will LindowsOS cost? For $99 users can obtain the LindowsOS Preview Release along with the promise that Lindows.com will work hard to give consumers real value. Those buying the Preview Release will also receive a free upgrade path to the final version when it’s available. Your satisfaction, even with the Preview Release, is always assured, since all Lindows.com products come with a money-back, satisfaction guarantee. Creating a compatible, stable, easy-to-use OS isn’t an easy job, and Lindows.com is committed to remain in this market for many years to come. This fee will help Lindows.com continue to provide support and future updates to LindowsOS.
How will LindowsOS be distributed? Once available, you will be able to obtain your Preview Version in the following ways:
1.) Download the software from our high-speed servers at Lindows.com.
2.) Place your order at Lindows.com and a CD will be shipped to your home or office.
3.) Or take advantage of both methods.
Eventually you’ll see computer manufacturers offering systems pre-installed with LindowsOS.
Does Lindows.com offer site licensing? LindowsOS offers a very flexible licensing policy based on the idea that software should be issued to individuals not to individual computers. This means you don’t need to buy a separate license for your home, work, or notebook computer. Also, users who supervise 25 or more PCs can apply for site licensing by contacting licenses@lindows.com.
What Windows® applications will it run? Our goal is to run all Windows® software, however, that’s an ambitious objective that will take time to achieve. Soon, LindowsOS users can expect to run a host of popular Windows software titles. We’ll make available a database of known useable applications in the near future. Watch as the list grows and we further enhance our Windows® compatibility features in the coming months. Stay tuned to the developments by joining our mailing list.
What languages will LindowsOS support? The Preview Release and Version 1.0 will support English, after which we will begin the gradual migration to other languages.
Can I invest or buy stock in Lindows.com? At this time, Lindows.com is privately held and is not seeking additional investors. However, we encourage prospective investors to join our mailing list to be apprised of any future opportunities that may arise.
Will LindowsOS be available in a store nearby? LindowsOS will be available on Lindows.com for download. Customers can also order online and a CD will be shipped to their home or office. If LindowsOS becomes available in a retail environment, subscribers to Lindows.com’s mailing list will be the first to know.
Can I become a Beta tester? Participants interested in the developments of LindowsOS can stay apprised of potential testing opportunities by joining our mailing list.
What are the system requirements? LindowsOS Preview Release will run on computer systems with a Pentium Processor or AMD Processor, 64 MB RAM and 1GB of disk space.
Will there be a version of LindowsOS for servers? LindowsOS is designed exclusively for the desktop to allow it to optimize the computer user's experience. There are already several good Linux products on the market for servers, and therefore LindowsOS focuses on the desktop.
Does Lindows.com support Open Source? Lindows.com respects all applicable licensing and is proud to be a strong supporter of the Open Source community by helping to advance several Open Source initiatives. Some of the LindowsOS code will be Open Source. Likewise, as a business that plans on being around for a very long time, Lindows.com will at times have some unique and proprietary components.
How can the Press get more information? Credentialed press can obtain a copy of the LindowsOS Preview Release by contacting pr@lindows.com. Reporters and editors of school publications, newsletters, etc. who would like to review LindowsOS can purchase our software, write a review and receive a refund upon receipt of their article. Articles should include reporters’ byline, date published and the publication's header. For additional information contact, pr@lindows.com.
Contact Information:
To send feedback to Lindows.com, contact feedback@lindows.com. To receive Lindows.com press releases via email, contact pr@lindows.com. To send a message to Michael Robertson, email MichaelR@lindows.com.
LindowsOS is a trademark of Lindows.com, Inc. Linux® is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. Microsoft® Windows® operating system is a registered trademark or service mark of the Microsoft Corporation.
Stay tuned for further updates...
What is the mission of Lindows.com™? Lindows.com is dedicated to bringing choice to the desktop computer…choice in operating systems, formats and applications. For too long there hasn’t been much choice for an operating system on your desktop computer, and that lack of choice, as with any market, has been unhealthy for the consumer. LindowsOS will be Lindows.com’s first product to help carry out this mission. Of course, Lindows.com knows that offering a reliable, easy-to-use, and compatible OS that can run both Linux® and Windows® software titles will not be an easy task. But they’re confident they have the necessary resources, management team and vision to bring together the right people and technologies to offer a choice in computer operating systems. This job will require a lot more than just Lindows.com…many developers, companies, and even consumers, will hopefully join in this ambitious quest.
Who is behind Lindows.com? Michael Robertson is the CEO, founder, and central visionary behind Lindows.com. Prior to starting Lindows.com, he was the founder and CEO of MP3.com, the Internet’s premier Music Service Provider. MP3.com was sold in September of 2001 and is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Vivendi Universal (NYSE: V). Michael has rallied a core team of smart and motivated individuals and partners, both inside and outside of Lindows.com, to help bring his vision to life. Michael knows building a new OS is not going to be easy, but he has a well-known reputation from taking on big challenges.
Who will benefit from using LindowsOS? Office workers, home computer users, students – just about anyone who uses a desktop computer can benefit from LindowsOS. The pricing, ease of use, compatibility, and stability will make LindowsOS suitable for the novice or the MIS manager supervising a number of computers.
When will LindowsOS be ready for distribution? The LindowsOS Preview Release will be available before year-end, with Version 1.0 coming in the 1st Quarter of 2002. To be notified the moment the LindowsOS Preview Release is available, please, join our mailing list.
How much will LindowsOS cost? For $99 users can obtain the LindowsOS Preview Release along with the promise that Lindows.com will work hard to give consumers real value. Those buying the Preview Release will also receive a free upgrade path to the final version when it’s available. Your satisfaction, even with the Preview Release, is always assured, since all Lindows.com products come with a money-back, satisfaction guarantee. Creating a compatible, stable, easy-to-use OS isn’t an easy job, and Lindows.com is committed to remain in this market for many years to come. This fee will help Lindows.com continue to provide support and future updates to LindowsOS.
How will LindowsOS be distributed? Once available, you will be able to obtain your Preview Version in the following ways:
1.) Download the software from our high-speed servers at Lindows.com.
2.) Place your order at Lindows.com and a CD will be shipped to your home or office.
3.) Or take advantage of both methods.
Eventually you’ll see computer manufacturers offering systems pre-installed with LindowsOS.
Does Lindows.com offer site licensing? LindowsOS offers a very flexible licensing policy based on the idea that software should be issued to individuals not to individual computers. This means you don’t need to buy a separate license for your home, work, or notebook computer. Also, users who supervise 25 or more PCs can apply for site licensing by contacting licenses@lindows.com.
What Windows® applications will it run? Our goal is to run all Windows® software, however, that’s an ambitious objective that will take time to achieve. Soon, LindowsOS users can expect to run a host of popular Windows software titles. We’ll make available a database of known useable applications in the near future. Watch as the list grows and we further enhance our Windows® compatibility features in the coming months. Stay tuned to the developments by joining our mailing list.
What languages will LindowsOS support? The Preview Release and Version 1.0 will support English, after which we will begin the gradual migration to other languages.
Can I invest or buy stock in Lindows.com? At this time, Lindows.com is privately held and is not seeking additional investors. However, we encourage prospective investors to join our mailing list to be apprised of any future opportunities that may arise.
Will LindowsOS be available in a store nearby? LindowsOS will be available on Lindows.com for download. Customers can also order online and a CD will be shipped to their home or office. If LindowsOS becomes available in a retail environment, subscribers to Lindows.com’s mailing list will be the first to know.
Can I become a Beta tester? Participants interested in the developments of LindowsOS can stay apprised of potential testing opportunities by joining our mailing list.
What are the system requirements? LindowsOS Preview Release will run on computer systems with a Pentium Processor or AMD Processor, 64 MB RAM and 1GB of disk space.
Will there be a version of LindowsOS for servers? LindowsOS is designed exclusively for the desktop to allow it to optimize the computer user's experience. There are already several good Linux products on the market for servers, and therefore LindowsOS focuses on the desktop.
Does Lindows.com support Open Source? Lindows.com respects all applicable licensing and is proud to be a strong supporter of the Open Source community by helping to advance several Open Source initiatives. Some of the LindowsOS code will be Open Source. Likewise, as a business that plans on being around for a very long time, Lindows.com will at times have some unique and proprietary components.
How can the Press get more information? Credentialed press can obtain a copy of the LindowsOS Preview Release by contacting pr@lindows.com. Reporters and editors of school publications, newsletters, etc. who would like to review LindowsOS can purchase our software, write a review and receive a refund upon receipt of their article. Articles should include reporters’ byline, date published and the publication's header. For additional information contact, pr@lindows.com.
Contact Information:
To send feedback to Lindows.com, contact feedback@lindows.com. To receive Lindows.com press releases via email, contact pr@lindows.com. To send a message to Michael Robertson, email MichaelR@lindows.com.
LindowsOS is a trademark of Lindows.com, Inc. Linux® is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. Microsoft® Windows® operating system is a registered trademark or service mark of the Microsoft Corporation.
Stay tuned for further updates...