Let's see...


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
Hmmm...either rot in jail or be freed on bond and get fuxored up by people the likes of me. Decisions, decisions...:mad:

The government told the court that Walker decided on his own to waive his right to counsel, before he was questioned, and chose willingly to join the Taliban and support Al Qaeda.

"John Walker chose to join terrorists who wanted to kill Americans, and he chose to waive his right to an attorney, both orally and in writing, before he was questioned by the FBI," Attorney General John Ashcroft said at a news conference.



Staff member
Don't fret Hugey....if he gets out on bail he will get clobbered by free citizens and if he stays in jail he'll get clobbered by incarcerated citizens.


Let's say for one minute Walker goes free. What is it going to be like for him in the US? Furthermore, do we as a nation not owe it to him to return him to Afganistan if he is found innocent. After all, that is where he wanted to be. So I say, let's give him his wish and deport him.


this is my special title
Can't return him to Afghanistan. The government that he has pleged alligience to has ceased to exist for the most part. He sounds like a man without a country to me.