Everday People
Just read that there are rumors that the new Magic Lantern virus is being accused of being spyware, (and not a true virus) for the US government to keep track and monitor the activity of pediophile and other criminals. Also it's being reported that virus manufactors, such as McAffee, are working with the government to design their virus protection software to not detect the the program. According to statements, Lantern is designed to enter the computer via an innocent e-mail attachment and inserts the program on the computer and reports back to the FBI all information about the users Internet usage.
For more information read here,2100,48648,00.html
Passing this along.....also heard something about NIS and have no details of that yet.

For more information read here,2100,48648,00.html
Passing this along.....also heard something about NIS and have no details of that yet.