It'll never end I'm tired of hearing about it


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
The Palstinians and the Isrealis have been fighting this war of theirs for who knows how long. Yesterday, a Palstinian walks into a resturant/nightclub wielding a M-16 and knife, kills 3 people and wounds another 31. The Isralis, of course, will retaliate because they didn't start it. Then the Palastinians will retaliate for the retaliation of the Isrealis. On and on it will go. It'll continue until either both nations are depleted of men to fight with, one of them loses, or someone steps in and says gives me all your guns children. Your both idiots.

Of course, this directly involves us as we somehow need to be their. Why, I'm really not all that clear on. We setup a nation for the Isrealis by booting the previous owners we caused this whole fucking mess I guess. Well, this is what we get for dealing in foreign affairs. We trust our government and listen to them then let them get s into this mess.

Now, we've lost seven more good men to combat in Afganistan. I can understand this is part of war. Been there, done that. However, I can't stop thinking that we brought all this on ourselves. I can agree with this conflict we are now engaged in but I wonder if the events of Sept 11th wouldn't have happened if the entire mess back in 90' hadn't happened or we pulled out COMPLETELY after the fact. No, were still over there, bombing unknown targets and training troops that could care less about us. Yes, care less about us. Been there, experinced that.

I'm just tired of this crap. Pull out and let them kill one another till it's over.


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
I agree; this is just senseless, plain and simple. I also agree that we shouldn't be medling in other countries' affairs. Let them work it out.

Of course, that won't probably happen here...
Not likely to happen there, after already 3 decades of war...depressing to see that they are just as far at ending their conflict as they were 30 years ago.

It's a sick part of the world.


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
The US won't leave it alone until we no lkonger import oil from that region. The simple reason is that we can't afford not to be involved. Without all the Persian Gulf oil, our economy would shut the fuck down.

So, we have (as I see it) three choices:

1) Continue to import that oil, and maintain involvement in that region

2) Develop alternative energy sources (which will take years, if not decades - during which we're still dependant on the mid-east)

3) Start drilling at home - in places like Alaska.

Still think that drilling for oil in a minute portion of the Alaskan wildlife area is a bad idea?


New Member
HomeLAN said:

3) Start drilling at home - in places like Alaska.

Still think that drilling for oil in a minute portion of the Alaskan wildlife area is a bad idea?

But that'll ruin .000000000000001% of Alaska! NOOOOO, we can't have that! :p


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
From what I understand, total imported oil is like 10%. No, I don't think drilling in Alaska is a bad idea at all. I also think we should restart all the shutdown rigs in Oklahoma and Texas that have ben shut down because of the imports as well.


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
PostCode said:
From what I understand, total imported oil is like 10%. No, I don't think drilling in Alaska is a bad idea at all. I also think we should restart all the shutdown rigs in Oklahoma and Texas that have ben shut down because of the imports as well.

Hallelujah. We just need to be sure the ones we re-open are still viable.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Yesterdays paper had a tally on the death count in the latest PLO/Israeli skirmishes, broken down by month-here is the end result-Since September 2000 304 Israelis have been terrorized to death while 1,067 Palestinians have gotten whacked. At this rate, there'll be no need for the PLO in about 35 years.

Postcode said:
we should restart all the shutdown rigs in Oklahoma and Texas that have been shut down...
THAT"S the answer, leave Alaska alone until it's NEEDED-there isn't that much there. Why drill new holes when there are plenty of existing ones already?