


These last few days are the worst I've seen since the early 1970's in Vietnam. I never thought this could happen in the US.

I have heard people on tv say they suspect Iraq of having some part in it.


Everday People
I am probaly repeating myself so forgive me if I am but John McCain had a good quote:"
We are coming and may god have mercy because we won't."

And there should be a flurry going on as they all should be digging large and deep holes to hide in. BD


I think the US has no choice to but to let whoever did this have it with a force not seen since WWII. I do not think it will go that far that we have to use Nuclear technology.


SWM 40 seeking truth
Nuclear weapons are not much of a deterrent if nobody believes you will use them. It has been too long since we last did and the psycho's are pushing the edge of the envelope. I say... nuke 'em till they glow! Make a big glass bowl out of Iraq and level the mountains of Afghanistan and nobody will mess with us for the next 50 years. With the support of the majority of the countries in the world, we are in the best possible position since WWII to use nukes without retribution from the rest of the world.

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
If you use nuclear devices, prepare to lose the support of the mojority of the countries in the world and get their condemnation(sp?) in exchange. And I assure you it will not last even 50 months until you get a big, bright blow in your own territory.


Staff member
I don't agree

"If it is determined that this attack was directed from abroad against the United States, it shall be regarded as an action covered by Article 5 of the Washington Treaty," stated NATO Secretary General, Lord Robertson, after a meeting of the North Atlantic Council on the evening of 12 September.

Article 5 of the Washington Treaty stipulates that an armed attack against one or several members shall be considered as an attack against all. Lord Robertson will now officially inform the UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, that the North Atlantic Council has agreed this statement.

NATO member countries and Russia strongly reiterated their anger and indignation at the brutal acts committed against New York and Washington D.C. during a meeting of the NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council (PJC), 13 September. In a press statement, they expressed their deepest sympathy with the victims and families and stated that they would intensify cooperation under the NATO-Russia Founding Act to defeat terrorism. "NATO and Russia are united in their resolve not to let those responsible for such an inhuman act to go unpunished." They called on the international community to unite in the struggle against terrorism.


SWM 40 seeking truth
Mabey it won't come to nukes... I support whatever decision our government makes as to how to WIN this war as long as we truly WIN and do not stop short of TOTAL VICTORY against those who are responsible for this attack and any/all who harbored or supported them. If this means nukes... then so be it but it must be TOTAL VICTORY this time not stopping short like we did in Iraq during the Gulf War.

Death to all terrorists and those who support them!!!



Visiting Idiot
At the moment you have the support of practically the whole world.
If you use nukes that support will evaporate along with the target. :(


SWM 40 seeking truth
Do you think Osama Bin Laden would hesitate to nuke NY, LA, London, Paris or any other city in the civilized world if he had the technology?


Visiting Idiot
Nukes are very efficient at killing people, they are not so good at picking out the guilty and sparing the innocent.
Most of the people in Afghanistan have never even heard of Bin Laden, they are only told what the Taliban want them to hear.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Originally posted by wine4all
And therefore should be exterminated in the most efficient means possible.

No-he should be eliminated in the most unjust, barbaric, inhumane way possible. No CNN, FoxNews or MSNBC-just him & 3 or 4HUNDRED thousand of NATO's most pissed off Marines, Rangers & (whatever your individual coutries call "specialists"). This has to become a ground war in order to minimize civilian casualties & wipe the terrorist from the earth.
Nuclear weapons take us down & long, lonely & shameful path. It may come to that, but we had better have examined & used EVERY other available option first.


Visiting Idiot
No-he should be eliminated in the most unjust, barbaric, inhumane way possible. No CNN, FoxNews or MSNBC-just him & 3 or 4HUNDRED thousand of NATO's most pissed off Marines, Rangers & (whatever your individual coutries call "specialists"). This has to become a ground war in order to minimize civilian casualties & wipe the terrorist from the earth.
Nuclar weapons take us down & long, lonely & shameful path.

Now that I agree with 110% :smash: :)
I totally agree on that. There are so many means of retalliation possible, without using nuclear weapons.
Using nuclear weapons would have such an impact on life as it is now; it's not only the blast in the first place, think about the contaminated places afterwards. No, nuclear weapons would be the worst weapons to use in this matter.

I really can't imagine that the U.S. would ever fight a war on the same level as Bin Laden does; with so many civillian casualties. Of course there will be civillian casualties when the U.S. retalliates these terrorist attacks, but not on such a massive scale when deploying nuclear weapons.


The rest of the world is so lucky that none of you nuke happy idiots is in charge.


Is that s'posed to be funny winey... go have another drink pal!