Insomnia sux


Close the world, txEn eht nepO
Sure the hell beats insomnia...after the first week...Your never really asleep but your never really awake, you sip your coffee and try to nod off, but fail miserably, and you stay up late and watch infomercials and eventually they become interesting and you buy some hair spraypaint that will supposedly shave years off your life...


New Member
Nihilistic said:
and you stay up late and watch infomercials and eventually they become interesting and you buy some hair spraypaint that will supposedly shave years off your life...
ROFL I forgot about that stuff! :lol:


New Member
I'm a real good one for that as well, usually up until around 2, even if I have to get up and go to work at 6. Just don't seem to get tired until I've surfed for a couple hours and played GTA3 or Diablo II for a couple hours. Tried Valium for awhile, it put me to sleep, but I'd get out of bed feeling like a zombie for the first couple hours the next day.


Close the world, txEn eht nepO
PuterTutor said:
and played GTA3 or Diablo II for a couple hours...

ooohhhh, your my newwww frienddd, those are my favorite things in life to stay up late for...(and warcraftiii)


Staff member
Gonzo is complaining about only getting 6 hours of sleep? That's more than I get most nights.

A couple shots of Wild turkey next time.