I'm Proposing Day After Tomorrow™

I have no idea why I'm telling everyone here but I just want you all to know that I'm going to propose marriage to girlfirend day after tomorrow.

I'm in the mood to get married I think this bind will do us both well. This isn't actually the exciting part. What's exciting is the proposal.

I'll give you all a little background on myself so the bigger picture is a little clearer for you. I run, own and operate a dive vessel called the Tristar. She's a 126 foot steel hull 200 tonne motoryacht. On information on the boat, you can see it at www.divetristar.com

Every weekend, my girlfriend and I go to the beach house and spend time there. It's nice to get out of the city and just lay back and rest. In between those lazy rest periods, we take a small 23 foot speed boat out and run around the beaches looking for something to do or meet up with other friends in a pre-discussed meeting point not to far away from where the house is. We usually tie the little boats up together and watch the sunset.

That's a weekend for me.

Now, the way I've planned the proposal is a little different. This Friday, I've asked 26 of our closest friends to come and spend the weekend on our yacht. 26 is full capacity... without my girlfriends knowledge. She thinks we're just going up to the beach for our normal weekend.

Our friends will all be on the boat already setting it up for party mode. Balloons, streamers, flairs and the works. Ina and I will be at the house and probably go to sleep early that night, the minute light comes Saturday morning, I'm going to take her out on the speed boat and treat her to a pre-arranged breakfast at a near by beach resort. After that, we'll go swimming and tanning and talk like we usually do. Some where in there, I'm going to find a way to slip the ring on her finger without saying a word. We'll probably talk a little more and be on our way back home.

At this point, she still doesn't know is that our 26 dearest friends are on our yacht. So instead of driving her back to the main beach where we usually head, I'll drive her down to the yacht where I'll have all my friends waiting cheering us on with poppers, flairs, banners, flags and everything.

Then from Saturday morning to Sunday night, we have a constant party to celebrate our engagement. It will also be a great time to get together... since we got older and we all started working, we all don't see each as often as we'd like to.

And that's what I have lined up for the weekend. I know the plan is good... I just hope the weather holds up for us. Whichever the case, rain or shine, we're going to pull through. It's been on the drawing boards for 2 straight weeks now and if I don't do it now, I might never get the chance again.

Just something I want to share with you all.

Wish me luck!

I think she'll enjoy it. I also know that she will say yes. We've been seeing each other for the last 6 years and have grown up together.

When I get back, I'll have all the photos developed and show you how it went.

Being the boring person I am, I think I've got a really good handle on this one.
Here is a picture of the party and below is a picture of the engagemnent vehicle.


I can't get a picture of the speed boat. I'm getting a connection time out.

Go to www.google.com and do a search for a Mariah Z221 Talari on www.boatingreview.com There are two colors so please post in this thread a picture of the black one.

Thanks all.


Staff member
That sounds awesome Toolbox™!! I'm sure she will be delighted. :love: Good Luck! and we want all the details later. :worm:


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
Congrats dude; hope you have a good time. That is one big effing big boat!


There better be a wedding invitation in my mailbox sometime this year mofo.

Congrats! TB, i think marriage will look good on ya. Have a great weekend and keep us posted...don't forget the camera..we want pics posted sometime next week.
We'll do, all the pictures should be up by sometime next week. I'll keep you guys posted on how the weekend goes. I think everything will turn out better than I can even imagine...

Fuser Man

blah, blah, blah
Way to go big guy! :thup:She should be sweept of her feet.

Nice boat! I know where I'm coming for holidays next year. Do Xibase member get discounts? :D

I just sat beside my wife and said "wanna get married?" :smash:

P.S. When taking pics, don't forget to use a flash. ;) :p :D
Most of the shots will be taken in the day time but I'll make sure that the photographers use the flash anyway.

Yes, Xibase and HardwareCentral members will get a 20% discount on any of the dive cruises. :)


Staff member
Originally posted by Fuser Man
Nice boat! I know where I'm coming for holidays next year. Do Xibase member get discounts? :D
Fuser, I must insist you invest in a new computer before you fork out the dough to go traipsing to the Phillipines. :smash:

Fuser Man

blah, blah, blah
Originally posted by Q
Fuser, I must insist you invest in a new computer before you fork out the dough to go traipsing to the Phillipines. :smash:

Hell ya! "What's that son?, you need braces. Well Daddy needs a new computer, go get a job." "But I'm only three!" "I don't want hear excuses!"

I'm slowly buying piece by piece. I'm horriable at saving money, so this way I'll have all the parts in a few months. I've got new speakers and a new keyboard, next week I'm buying my case.


Staff member
Originally posted by Fuser Man
Hell ya! "What's that son?, you need braces. Well Daddy needs a new computer, go get a job." "But I'm only three!" "I don't want hear excuses!"
you got a little breathing room on them braces, I don't think they put em on baby teeth :D
*word to the wise* buy the mobo/cpu LAST!


Staff member
I'm sorry... err, j/k :D

Congratualatins, Tool. May you two have many happy days together in your future, and other sentimental stuff like that.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Originally posted by Q
you got a little breathing room on them braces, I don't think they put em on baby teeth :D
*word to the wise* buy the mobo/cpu LAST!

they want to "brace" my 8yo. They say they start earlier & it takes less time & effort