If you're feeling bored this evening



I'm glad that I'm on dialup. That story sounded like a hoax but the guy provided real telephone numbers later in the thread, so I would have to think it is real. Holly $hit.


I'm really not sure what exactly that guy did in the first place.


Staff member
Huge i just read all of the post. Very scary, it has already made it to slashdot. I hope this guy has a good attorney. The state is so screwed on the .59 a second. Too bad they are like this. I dont know what the company i work for policy's are on this but i now know i would never do it even with a signed slip from them.


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Since I own my own business, I would have to tell any employee that wishes to use company property to benefit themselves in the production of WU's for any distributed projects to GO RIGHT AHEAD AND DO IT...as long as the said machine is not already running a client for me. :D


Staff member
I'd like to know where they came up with $415,000.oo ?? I'm not an expert an law, but the money spent on the prosecution would be included in the court costs (I think?) I wouldn't think they could arbitrarily pull a figure out of their butts on what the legal fees might amount to and they are still in the process of prosecuting this case, that would mean the fees are still mounting.

s4 he ran the rc5 client in the background on machines owned by the school board in Georgia. When the client runs in the background it uses only spare cpu cycles, all other apps are given priority over the client.


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
I highly suspect that the figure they're using is inclusive of INVESTIGATIONAL costs, but not legal fees, yet. That's the way the code they're prosecuting him under is written, anyways.

I live in this state, guys, and I gotta tell ya, these folks DO NOT screw around. They're little terriers who will not let go once they come after you. This applies to all GA agencies. I'm in accounting, and I occasionally go through audits. Your best bet is to subtly throw something in front of them which will allow them to pay for two days' time. Then they'll go through the motions for two days and leave. If you're actually clean, God help you, because they'll dig for weeks. I'll manufacture a small mistake rather then fight these turds. Unfortunately, this guy is getting nailed by people with that mindset.

And my best guess is, he's screwed. He probably signed an employment contract with the state that forbids him to use state machines for basically anything without express written permission. I'll bet he didn't get it, and I'll further bet that the state WILL get him. Sucks.

Take it as a lesson, folks. NEVER run any proggy on a work machine unless the company installed it, or you have written permission to do so.


I am gonna stay put in IL and never move to GA. :D

Seriously, HomeLan sounds like he knows what he's talking about.


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Actually, GA isn't bad. I like it here, as long as I can avoid the smell of cowshit coming from the state capital. Just gotta watch out for the GA gov't pukes.


Staff member
Just thought I'd bring up this thread and let you all know about a petition regarding this issue

<A HREF="http://www.petitiononline.com/movsog/">Here is the petition</A>

Spread the word. I think this is being blown WAY out of proportion by GA, and it was headed in the wrong direction to start. He was given no warning about these charges, it was thrown at him right then and there.

FTR, I am sticking this topic because it is an important issue and could change the world of computing as we know it.


I am not going to get involved in this one. I wish him luck, he's going to need it.


Staff member
I'm not sure how much good it will do, but I signed the petition.


Staff member
There's always the possibility that it will work. If not work, then at least help some...

They must have SOME sense in them, right? so they should know somewhere deep down inside that this is ridiculous...

or were they smoking something at the time they came up with this?