Or got shot...:eek3:
Huge Holla if you hear me! Staff member Jun 8, 2005 #1 Or got shot... Attachments 1118244663jrAeWF7q6K_1_1_l.jpg 54.8 KB · Views: 19
HomeLAN Bumbling Idiot Staff member Jun 8, 2005 #2 Jeeeeezus! Looks like someone took a 9MM to it. What the hell is that on his hand? Chunks of floppy drive?
Jeeeeezus! Looks like someone took a 9MM to it. What the hell is that on his hand? Chunks of floppy drive?
Professur Mushroom at large Jun 8, 2005 #3 Actually, that looks like the sound card, with the cable from the CD-ROM attached.
HomeLAN Bumbling Idiot Staff member Jun 8, 2005 #4 Actually, I think it's the ass end of a SATA HD, with the cord still plugged in.