I Need Grammar Help™

I seem to be having this mental block on my spelling skills recently and I need all the help I can get.

Here are my problems - I don't know when to use the words then and than.

I don't know when to use inspite and despite.

I don't know when a word should be spelled ei or ie. Their? Recieve? Reciept?

If you have noticed my spelling in the past, please correct me on all the other things I have been making mistakes on. This is so embarassing especially when I have to write formal letters to people.

Thanks for all the help.


Close the world, txEn eht nepO
My 3rd grade teacher has always told me

I before E except after C

Other then that, i could care less. cheers:retard:


Sorry Toolbox.

Let's try this:

Rather than open his mail, he left it for his wife. She could then see all his girly magazines and get the hint.

Inspite of his shortcommings, he managed to impress the woman despite the ugly zit on his nose.

Recieve is spelled receive.

Noticeable is spelled noticeable.


Stop Laughing

it isn't that funny!
Staff member
Originally posted by Nihilistic
I before E except after C

Not only do words like NEIGHBOR and WEIGH not follow that rule (as the song/phrase/poem/whatever the hell it is goes), but neither does my first name, which people always misspell. It's KEITH! I told one of my managers who misspells it all the time that it's the other way, and she still writes Kieth. It drives me nuts.

Nice Dan Quayle impersonation, krusty! :D Except he ain't a engineer. ;)


Super Gawdess
Toolbox, Perhaps you should join my on-line tutoring sessions!!

Inspite= in light of, however, although

despite= even though, considering

(these are cause words and should only be used in a cause and effect type sentance)

I before E except after C and when rhyming with A as in neighbor and weigh....

Received if an item/ noun has come. Receipt is a noun too (Store receipt ) but is also a verb (the act of receiving, written acknowledgment that a specified article, sum of money, or shipment of merchandise has been received)

Anything else let me know!!


Official Wine Taster
Jus' wundrin' 'ow, Y'all spell "relief"?
Don't feel too bad, Tule........eventually, if'n ya ever git over feelin' the obligation to be a good "public" speller, ya might jus' 'ave a l'il fun spellin' like ya sound in person!:lol: .............(by the way, r ya from the South er what?):D