leslie: i know ;)
Fuser Man blah, blah, blah Jun 28, 2002 #23 Gonzo said: be merry or be Mary or be married? Click to expand... It can't be done. One can not be marry when one is married. **looks around for wife with frying pan in hand**
Gonzo said: be merry or be Mary or be married? Click to expand... It can't be done. One can not be marry when one is married. **looks around for wife with frying pan in hand**
Gonzo Infinitesimally Outrageous Staff member Jul 1, 2002 #27 I've decided to try Independence Day weekend. I hope it works this time.
freako104 im a freak im so proud of that Jul 1, 2002 #29 rock on gonzo. youll be fine. jsut mail all your cigs to me. i need them. please?
Gonzo Infinitesimally Outrageous Staff member Jul 2, 2002 #32 It would be a civic duty to buy cigs in NY. Gotta pay down the social debt, doncha know.