No amount of

could EVER describe how happy I am right now
It installed perfectly, and after some minor tweaking of the modem, and the changing of the device my connection uses to /dev/ttyS1 (COM2), I can now connect to the internet in Linux!
I've installed most of the GUI interfaces, so which one should I use for my main GUI? KDE, Gnome, Blackbox...
whenever I absolutely must enter gui mode, I don't want any clutter taking any unnecessary CPU cycles from Genome.
What's a good email client to use that checks multiple mailboxes at once?

could EVER describe how happy I am right now
It installed perfectly, and after some minor tweaking of the modem, and the changing of the device my connection uses to /dev/ttyS1 (COM2), I can now connect to the internet in Linux!
I've installed most of the GUI interfaces, so which one should I use for my main GUI? KDE, Gnome, Blackbox...
whenever I absolutely must enter gui mode, I don't want any clutter taking any unnecessary CPU cycles from Genome.
What's a good email client to use that checks multiple mailboxes at once?