The hardware victims in this latest assault, in which the circuit breaker for the power to my room was "accidentally" flipped ONCE AGAIN by my mom's beloved drunk boyfriend, were my power strip and motherboard.
The power strip looks like it caught a couple sparks, but it's still usable. As for my KT7a mobo, I've lost another PCI slot so I'm down to 2 usable PCI slots out of the 6 on this board, and my ISA slot no longer works either (my good modem is no longer even being detected by Windows). That's all I can tell right off the bat, I bet my voltage regulator is even more out of whack now. I think this thing has just about had it
The power strip looks like it caught a couple sparks, but it's still usable. As for my KT7a mobo, I've lost another PCI slot so I'm down to 2 usable PCI slots out of the 6 on this board, and my ISA slot no longer works either (my good modem is no longer even being detected by Windows). That's all I can tell right off the bat, I bet my voltage regulator is even more out of whack now. I think this thing has just about had it