I got mentioned in LockerGnome


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Chris has been running that thing for who knows how long. I remember way back when I first started making my site, when it was called Eric's BIOS Post Codes (I started Thansgiving day 1999), I thought that I might get a mention in his newsletter. I tried to garner some hits from visitors through a link but never did come up with anything. Now, I got a email from him telling me I will be mentioned in his upcoming issue of the Weekly Issue. Pretty cool. You can check it out here.


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
I guess I got an award for it too. :) What started out as a hobby has turned into a chore. HAHAHA


Staff member
heh i think fury and i know how ya feel at times. But we love it ya know we do...:)

Now if we can just get mentioned at a couple big sites too...


New Member
How cool is Chris Pirillo? I've been subscribed to the Lockergnome newsletter for years-before his book, before TechTV, before they moved out to California. He would amaze me by answering every email he received every day-I'm sure he can't do it now because he's so busy but it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. I even have stuff from the Gnome store-a sweatshirt, coffee cup, bumper sticker... :D

Nice job Posty! :thup: I'll have to look for that in the daily newsletters. Do you subscribe to the Tech Specialist also? I'm a little behind on reading them though-I have to catch up!


New Member
Let's see if your server gets 'Gnomed'! It's after 5pm here and your site is still up so I guess the traffic didn't bring it down ;)

Let us know how many hits you get today, I'm interested!