AWW ****ING **** HELL YEAH!@#
- This address IS qualified for DSL service
- 768 (96kb per second) download, 128 (16kb per second) upload
- $50/mo
- Ameritech says 30 days (the rep I talked with says they take less than 30 days to get there but just say that)
- If I want a router, it's $200
from Ameritech or I can just go get my own at the store or something
- DSL Modem is $10 a month to rent or $200
to buy it
- Installation is free to do a self-install or $200
to get Ameritech to do it
- I am allowed to run a server on the connection
- This address IS qualified for DSL service
- 768 (96kb per second) download, 128 (16kb per second) upload
- $50/mo

- Ameritech says 30 days (the rep I talked with says they take less than 30 days to get there but just say that)
- If I want a router, it's $200

- DSL Modem is $10 a month to rent or $200

- Installation is free to do a self-install or $200

- I am allowed to run a server on the connection