HWC hits


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
I just checked the stats page. Kinda curious how many people are hitting the site and where they are coming from. A bunch of people are coming over from HWC discussions. Is there some kind of thread going on over there? What gives...2000+ hits from there forums.


Staff member
I think AMDnut linked some attachments from here in a popular thread over there. At least that's what it was the last time I checked it out.


Eee equals emcee squared...
Sorry about that guys!

If I caused trouble, let me know, I won't link anymore...

I wish I could get more HWC guys over here!:D


Staff member
not a problem amdnut, they were trying to figure out where all the guest were comming from. Tell them to come on over:)


New Member
Do you think, if those that now run HWC, put back an OT Forum it would be as popular as it once was, back in the days of the 'Vectra/Scale 70 etc wars' ?


New Member
Dog said:
Do you think, if those that now run HWC, put back an OT Forum it would be as popular as it once was, back in the days of the 'Vectra/Scale 70 etc wars' ?

I don't think it'd be so popular in the beginning, but it would grow and eventually people will forget how the OT forum once was before it was banned and reopened again.

edit: and then we have those OT campers that ONLY hund around in the OT forum and didn't do much else....


New Member
Yeah, it did get a little out of hand in the days nearing its end but it was a good place chill out before all the 'brown smelly stuff' started flying full force.
I was thinking of trying to re-activate the promise of those 'HWC case badges' that lots of people spent lots of time talking about/designing but no doubt my thread would either disappear or just get ignored and I suppose, at the time when the idea came about, things were a lot different over at HWC and less commercial compared to now...perhaps it is an idea best left burried in the minds of those who actually enjoyed being a regular member of the 'old' HWC...sorry, too many beers, just ignore me :)


Staff member
This makes me recall hearing about Altamont... you know, that free concert thing... The mood there was generally nasty, the security (Hell's Angels) got into skirmishes with the crowd, and when the bands tried to start songs, the crowd kept starting another riot. After the concert ended, an entire era was all but ended. You can kind of associate that with the ending of the OT forum at HWC, every time the moderators would try to speak and get people to calm the flaming and fighting down, more would pop up. Even if the OT forum there was brought back, it will never be the same as it was.

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
After the OT forum was extinguished I continued to visit there for a few months. What pissed me off(and most) was the management attitude. The 'collective mood' was ruined. For me the closing of that founder's thread about HWC's begining, was the last shot. After, they changed the main focus of the site from Hardware and Overclocking to 'mainstream IT' and ruined the spirit. It's not HWC anymore... :(


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
I wish they'd hurry up and switch to vbb; I see that sharky's is now vbb.


Moderator from Hell
dimme said:

I don't think it'd be so popular in the beginning, but it would grow and eventually people will forget how the OT forum once was before it was banned and reopened again.

Or we could just tell them to come here instead...


Moderator from Hell
You know there was a thread just yesterday inquiring whether there were any plans to bring back the OT forum..