Hurry in to get Wendys new menu item



I went to Wendys fast food this morning and ordered the usual jr. hamburgers and fries that I always get there. This time something real special happened. They gave me a new menu item called the "hairball special". Very tasty. My brother got a hold of this special item and we thought it was so nice of them that we showed it to the local health department. I will never eat at Wendys again. Never. :mad:


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
S, you have the worst luck. Ever consider moving to a more civilized community? :laugh:


Luck had nothing to do with it, and I am not convinced that it was not deliberate. As I said, I will never eat there again. I do not forget things like this.


Everday People
I'm not eating there anymore...BD



I appreciate your comments BD. I especially appreciate that you believe me. I would never have said anything like this unless it happened.

It makes me feel bad because that was a favorite place to eat. I have been going there pretty regularly. I really enjoyed going there, but there is nothing I can do. I even liked the people that worked there, but I'll never go back again.

I would like to make one point. Just because I had a problem at a Wendys does not mean that people in other cities will or could also have this problem. It doesn't even mean that someone else that eats there will have this problem. I'm just telling of something that happened today.


I have worked in a Red Lobster, Shoney's and Pizza Inn in my younger days. If you really knew what all goes on at these places, you would never eat out again period :sick: I still do eat out on a regular basis but I can never eat at a Shoney's was the worst :sick: :sick: :sick:

never eat spaghetti or chile or marinated meat in a restaraunt and never buy narinated meat at the grocery store :vomit:


Everday People
S4 I understand about different cities and all but it is something I just feel like reacting to. alex that is why I love my wifes cooking so much (;)). I think every place we have ever eaten we have both said she was a better cook and it is true trust me.:D



I believe you BD and also thank you for your comments and you too alex!


Everday People

Please quit being so polite. We all have alot on our minds I know but I hope we can set them aside for a second here and there to just get back to "normal" whatever that is and post. Your giving me a complex as I fell like we are all walking on egg shells here.;)

:wave: :beerchug:



Ok BD. The truth is that I am plenty mad about getting hair in my food today. Here is the way I look at it. I visit this place often and spend a lot of money on fast food. Each time I go there I spend about $10 each time. I eat there sometimes 2-3 times a week. I have been spending approx $10-30 a week eating at Wendys depending how much I eat out that week.

I feel that they violated my trust. I come in there bringing hard-earned money, and they gave me crap in return. I did nothing to them and did not deserve that. I never had even one argument with anyone that works there and do not know any of them personally. They know me because I go in there so much. I feel that they committed a personal attack of "terrorism" on me because now I will have to inspect my food that get anywhere from now on.

What was done here is a very small in comparrison attempt to change the way I live and my trust in people. I think the woman did this because she was having problems getting her earpiece for the drive up on her ear because her hair was in the way. She made a comment about it and I gave a small laugh thinking I was making making small talk or converstation. I think she got offended and stuck some of her hair in my food.

She was not the same one that made the sandwiches. The girl that made them is neat in appearance and has straight hair. This girl had straight and darker hair. The hair I found in the food is blonde and curly.

The woman that waited on me was having problems with her hair and ear piece like I said. This woman had hair that was messy and hanging down.

I will quite being polite about it if you like. I am extremely put out and pissed that someone would do this to me.

There has a been a rash of Americans treating each other like crap. Caseys here in town jacked their gas up to $4 the other night trying to make a buck off of the tragedy in NY. People are attacking Arabs that have lived in the US for years and are good citizens. I think some Americans are not treating their fellow countrymen and women like they should. I am not saying that is why I got hair in my food, but I think it has put some people in a shitty mood and they are looking to get back at someone.

I think the reason I got hair in my food is that I laughed when the woman was having problems putting her earpiece on because of her hair. I did not intend to make it look like I was being anything other than polite, but I think she took a dislike to it and decided to get even by sticking hair in the food.


Everday People
S4 I should just have pm'd you but am glad I didn't as you got this bad experience off your chest 100% and now you can vent all you want and let your blood pressure go back down.:D

It's a shame when we do put "our hard earned money" and I know where your coming from with that statement, that you,me or anyone should have to go thru what you just did.I hope there is another establishment around where you are so you can now go and become a loyal customer there.

I was j/k about the politeness as I guess I am also in a state of shock yet as all of us are and forget that ok. BD


Thanks BD. I don't know if my blood pressure will get back to normal or not. There is a lot of talk of war, and I am worried about it.

I'm sure that whatever emotional responses I had about Wendys will not overshadow my concern about what is going on in this country. I sit here glued to the tv at times just to see if there is anything new going on. Normally getting something like getting hair in my food might cause hours and even days of being pissed off.