How YOU doin?


Staff member
Shut up, fool, don't you know?

This is Joey Tribbiani's famous pickup line!

I'm looking to score a chick (or two) :smash:


Staff member
Shh, shh, can't you hear it? they are screaming my name! Outta my way, my fans are waiting for me :D


I'm doing good, slightly hungover and reading a web page about bowling terminology. Contemplating finishing this coffee or crack open a beer..but its 7.30 in the maybe not, but maybe I will...decisions decisions...maybe a little Max Payne right now and a beer will get my day off to a good start.

Stop Laughing

it isn't that funny!
Staff member
What bowling terminology do you need, or are you just killing time? More than likely I'll be able to answer any questions you got on bowling. I'm sure I'm not the only one, too. :)


Originally posted by Stop Laughing
What bowling terminology do you need, or are you just killing time? More than likely I'll be able to answer any questions you got on bowling. I'm sure I'm not the only one, too. :)

Just trying to learn the lingo is all. I want to be able to talk the talk and not just walk the walk...more like crawling for me right now, but I'm getting pretty good.

Me and my bro-in-law go a couple times a week and we keep improving most games. Just like to know the terms ..make the whole thing more enjoyable if you know what I mean.


New Member
Originally posted by DarkPrincess
Sweetieheart... That line really doesn't work. Sorry. Although most lines don't work with me.

Then this wont work?:

"Your parents must be retards, cause you are SPECIAL."


I'll think of something witty later
Ok... Please answer this bowling question. I used to know it a long time age.

- What is it called when you get a strike without hitting the Head Pin? It has an unusual name.

Oh... and by the way, I'm doin' good. Not too bad. You know what i mean. :beerchug:


One of a Kind
*crying in corner* Nobody likes me.

LInes don't work on me. A nice genuine guy is what I look for. Offer to buy me a drink, that usually works. But don't use some cheezy line, cause then I am going to laugh in your face, take my drink and leave.