How many times have you cooked, fried, crushed, crumbled, etc. your CPU?


Staff member
Me? Hrmm...

Gee, can't count that high :eek:

But I'll try

One of them (Duron) - Cooked about 6 times, and the corners are a bit worn down from repetitive heatsink seating/removing. Never crushed it. It's been through one lightning strike.
Another (T-bird) - Cooked once, cracked once, crushed once (replacements rock)
An older one (K6-2 500) - Was in a motherboard that got fried by a lightning strike. Now happily running in someone else's computer :)
Another older one (K6-2 350) - Has NEVER had an active fan on the heatsink :eek: although the heatsink was pretty large. I don't have a computer to try it on, so I don't know if it still lives or not.

I don't have a motherboard to use to figure out how fast I can make this Celery 566@850 I have here cry though :(

Yes, I abuse hardware. So sue me. It's all in the excitement of getting the most performance out of my computers :grin:


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Bunches of system builds, o/c experience, and I've never lost one (knocks on wood).

Fuser Man

blah, blah, blah
I've only ever change a sound card, video card, CD rom, modem, network card and a power supply. Can't screw that up.


I'll think of something witty later
I had a friend who fried his Athlon 1.2 gig about a week ago due to puting the fan on upside-down on the heatsink. It took about 10 sec. according to him before everything went blank. He's back using his Duron 800.


i am my my own evil twin
moodyblue - :laugh:

i think crushing or burning a cpu is something i'm bound to do eventually.

did nearly knacker my first k6-2 and gigabyte ga-5ax board though! i had no idea that you were supposed to lift this little lever by the side of the socket [seriously, it never popped into my tiny mind, and the manual didn't mention a thing].

so i pushed and pushed until it went clunk and dropped about 2 mm. i thought that it looked a little loose, and i was right - it was hanging off when i picked up the mobo :lol:

and it's then that i noticed the little grey lever!!!

i asked a mate if i'd killed it and he told me not to worry. apparently a while before he has been building a system when a pissed mate trod on the processor, squashing about half the pins.

he bent them back with a pair of pliers, stuck it and it worked! :eek:


Staff member
Well, chalk up another one for the Duron

I was trying to make the fan on the chipset start spinning again (It has made a habit of stopping)

Instead, my finger came down on the clip mechanism on the Chrome Orb, which then came loose. CLUNK. Heatsink falls down onto my TNT2, I start smelling burning, and the Duron is turning pretty colors even after I shut off the computer.

People, I reiterate.

If you start to smell burning, you probably should shut off your computer.

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
I'll not tell for the 517th time the tale of how I toated my old K6-2. It's enough to say it ran for about 2 weeks with no working fan. Had to u'clock to 300, and after 1 year I tried 333 again and it worked.
It's clear ris that K6's were solid beasts, able to take a lot of wounds and still function. I read alot of stories about his legendary endurence :)

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
Also a P200 MMX @ office worked for a week with flawed fan and then stopped. Support took it to lab tested and realized the MoBo has fried :confused:. Can no CPU cooling cause a Motherboard to fail? It doesn't make any sense to me.


Staff member
If the CPU gets hot enough, yes it can.

With no active cooling, the heat just keeps building and building and building with nothing to remove the heat, and eventually the CPU pins just get hot enough to a point where the motherboard starts to take damage.


I tosted a k6-2 350 from trying to OC (still not entirly sure its the CPU) all three of my t-birds have chipped cornors my first chiped chip was a 700t-bird and second one was my brothers 1 gig my third was my 1.33 t-bird all of which still work!!


Staff member
All four of the corners on my T-bird are chipped. :D

Another cooking for the Duron - I heard a loud grinding noise for a brief second, immediately knew what it was, pulled the plug, and popped open the case. The fan had somehow caught the wire and ripped it straight off of the motherboard.

One of the wires has a little nick in it, not quite exposing the wire but it is kinda deep. The pins on the mobo were slightly bent but they weren't too bad.


New Member
I've never chipped or fried a chip either. :thup:

I just got a T-bird 1.2 this week and it's been ranging between 47-51 C.


Staff member
My T-bird 1.2 (now re-overclocked to 1.33 since it's UNstable at 1.2!) has been quite a bit cooler now that I reseated the heatsink. I haven't cooked the Duron since my last post.


Staff member
yes, but why would I want to keep trying to get it to work at 1.2 when it works at default voltage at 1.33? :D