how do i...


Official Wine Taster
Sorry Acid....

Back in the "Day", ('70s), when I was a youngin, A.J. Foyte & Al & Bobby Unser were amoung the biggest names in Indy car racin'.

Ya don't need to feel bad, but I'm suddenly feelin' real old.:)


Ok. I deem myself a dumbass. She gave me the eyes, and I just froze. It felt like it was the first time I've ever talked to her. I stood there, smiling, and couldn't say anything. She knew what I came to say. She looked at me and said "I know that look Kyle, it's the look that you're in love with someone."

I feel so retarded. And now I've got to wait until Wednesday to talk to her because she's going to be in North Carolina for the week. :cry:


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
You can't love someone you hardly know. You CAn ask her out though. Like this: "Hey (fill in name here), let's go see (fill in chick flick here) this (fill in day & time here)....there you go you young pup. What;s the worst she'll do? Spit in your face? Point & laugh? Or the scariest of them all-accept.


I said it <b>felt</b> like it was the first time I've talked to her. I've known her for well over 6 years.


Staff member
You're in trouble, acid. If she's got you whipped this bad and you're not even an official couple yet, just wait til you're finally able to utter the words :eek:


I want to. But I don't want to put her in an awkward situation.

I have plans to ask her to a party that is this Saturday (if it is held). I'm going to take her home when (if) she needs to be home. If I take her home and she wants me to stay and talk to her, I'm all for it. I'm not going to touch one beer. It's not necessary to have a good time with her.

And who said I was whipped? I'm just the most overconfident pussy there is out there :D


Ok. I'm done. I found out last night "I had no real intention of breaking up with him to be with Kyle."

That did it. I called her, and made her ass cry. She told me:

"I didn't want to be the heartbreaker. This was an unfair position for me to be in." (and doing this to me was fair? give me a month to let it out, and drop me?)

"I want you to do what Brok said." (He said backoff, so I said if she wanted it, I would. She didn't say, but I will. And I told her I just want talk to her then. Tears=Flowing. Then she says that isn't fair, and I say "Do you just want me to come up and say I love you everyday? WELL THAT ISN'T FAIR FOR ME.)

And then she goes on saying how she wants me to come up and talk to her, ignoring her boyfriend like I have been. And then at the same time I should listen to him. What the f*ck is that?

Next time I see that kid outside, he's going to experience the taste of assphault.


New Member
Guys, there is so much more to the story.

But anyway. Acid can't reply for some reason so he asked me to post, I'm not sure exactly what he wanted me to say though. Maybe something like


Although I could be mistaken.