Haa, Haa!!! I knew Tara would get a few comments. She is a little hotty, huh?!?
Spirit - I agree, I would bet they are silicone sweethearts!
I would have never known you were 45 either!(yeah right, your not a day past 22 IMO...) Doesn't matter, you'll look great at any age!!!
HC - Your probably right, but without a
little sinage once in a while, it's to boring! Besides, the Second law of Thermodynamics (or is it the first???) says that all matter in the universe is in a constant state of decay and disorder (or something like that!!!)......... and that is with or without sin!
brOck - I think there may be a
tad of nipple edge there, but I'm not sure.....
fury - I know what your sayin'!!! Some of these are walking the ragged edge, but I'll keep things licked clean........ eeeeeeeeer........ clean in my post!!!! I'm pretty sure which 3 body parts are a no-no postage wise! Haa, Haa! I think my tape girl was as close as I could possibly push it without getting my arse smacked down!!!!