I don't have problems with people who are homosexual .. I have many gay and lesbian friends and even one who has spend the last 5 years as a transexual and is getting ready for "the change". Like BD, I pretty much feel like what you do is your business ... what I do is my business .. I won't push my views on you, please don't do the same to me ...
but I do also have to admit ... that I don't know what I would do or how I would feel should one of my children tell me they are gay. I'm sure I could live with it and I would definitely love them just the same ... I would probably be a little "hurt" but that would be my problem, not theirs ... I know for sure that their dad would take it hard - he's one of the club-totting, me-Tarzan, you Jane-an, fix-my-dinner-now, Woman kinda guys ... hence, the divorce
but I do also have to admit ... that I don't know what I would do or how I would feel should one of my children tell me they are gay. I'm sure I could live with it and I would definitely love them just the same ... I would probably be a little "hurt" but that would be my problem, not theirs ... I know for sure that their dad would take it hard - he's one of the club-totting, me-Tarzan, you Jane-an, fix-my-dinner-now, Woman kinda guys ... hence, the divorce