Holy S$%T!!


It has taken me a month to remember my password for this site. I wanted to tell you guys hi, I have been out of tech circles for about a decade and recently started checking out many of my old hang outs. Life happened, my kids are raised with one in college and one just a year away. Been at my job almost 20yrs. Turning 41 this month. Hell I even started crunching Seti again. Still miss the Q3 tournaments we use to have at HC & jjr512. Hows everyone doing?


Sorry I was typing on the fly with tapatalk on that first post.

Just coming by looking for a hang out and to say hi.

I originally was at Hardware Central maybe '99 or so, used to play Quake 3 with some of the members, Huge, Neo, Necessary Evil and others...
Hung out at Overclockers.net pirate site when they split off and JJR512.com until I vaguely remember something bad happening to him. I came over here when fury invited back in 2000. Also hung out with Anandtech.com.

Huge-you were always a great helper with hardware I had with vid drivers and such. HWC helped me build my first system and start customizing the OS.

Guess around 2003 was when I really got into Linux and left Windows, eventually getting an iBook in '04. Win 7 pulled me back over.

My career has never been in the tech field, outside of office networking issues or virus removal. I am a blue collar guy. HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, Property Management, and such... I always study an interest or field as much as possible, my OCD.. I just have to learn all I can. So along with the day job I have ran a side business to help pay the bills and such. Just no computer time other than quickbooks.

Have raised two kids and will be married 20yrs next June.

Over this past summer, I have really picked up computing again and forgot how much I enjoy it. I have salvaged or built about 10 systems which started my SETI crunching again. Had to rescue my account from the jjr512 team. Now have it at Anandtech. But WOW how this world has changed, PCI-E instead of AGP, multi core processors, I have been gone a long time...

Sorry about the title post if it seems rash, I was exited to finally figure out my password. I tried the reset and admin links over the past few weeks but my email account had changed and I never received the resets or remembered the email address I had then.

So, Hello... Glad to see names I recognize reading the old posts. I would rather post here even though you may not remember me, than over at Anandtech. I'm looking for laid back.

So nice to meet you, or see you again...


PS and the weird name stands for:

It Was All Just Another Brick In The Wall-Pink Floyd
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I don't game much these days, my 17yr old takes care of that, and I cant keep up with him. I see your stats there, what team are you crunching for?


The Pirate Fleet. That explains why OC.net redirected to OC.com, and I didn't recognize any one over there. Currently crunching for Anandtech, about 9,600 RAC a day.