Here's some fuel to add to the conspiracy fire


Staff member

Interesting reading...

But if there really were flying machines in ancient times, where did they go? If they exploded or were buried, there would be pieces lying around. That leaves pretty much just the machines being extremely well hidden, or kept very under wraps by the government, because otherwise they would've been found. Or, of course, the egyptians had a really vivid imagination and/or an insight into the future.


Staff member
The whole Egyptian thing gets me all wound up. Threre are just too many questions. Too much weird shit.

The pyramids just slay me.

Billy-Bob: Hey! let's build some giant 3-D triangles!
Pete: Ok!
Billy-Bob: I'm thinking we should do it in the desert
Pete: Good idea...that's only 3 zillion cubits from where we're gonna get the stone.
Billy-Bob: Know any good labor dudes?
Pete: Yeah, I got a shitload of slaves on the clock right now!
Billy-Bob: Got any tools?
Pete: Tools?
Billy-Bob: ah, nevermind...wanna get a beer?

As a vetran of the stone industry, I can't tell you what a physical improbability the pyramids are. It's simply mind boggling.:spin:


New Member
Hey they built the pyramids, without modern machinery, to last through time ... we can't even come close to that now! Everything we build is destroyed within a century or so.

I can't get to your link though ... damn restrictions on this computer.


Staff member
That's one of the mind boggling things. They built the pyramids to last through time.
What was their concept of time? King Tut was 11 or 12. The old ones lived till 30. They had no concept of 7000 years. They had no machine shops to make the tools. There is nothing to bond those hunks of stone together. The precision it took to build a pyramid and make it stand in the first place is amazing. The precision it took to make it still be standing is incomprehenible.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
The part of Billy-Bob was played by Abdul Az-Hereef & the part of Pete was played by Imman el-Meharharhararara...

Who says they didn't have "modern" machines-either the aliens took them home or they are still here, with the ships that are hidden by our collective governments or, better yet, the alien race built biodegradeable tools.
pilots ejection warning said:
"In the event of a crash, this ship will become one with the planet in less than 200 years"


Staff member
ok, let's rule one thing out right now....if they had the smarts to make the machines to make the tools to build a pyramid...they are not in cahoots with our government.:eh:


Eater of Hot Peppered Steak
It's cuz the Egyptions were aliens. That's what Richard Dean Anderson said in Star Gate......


Mushroom at large
Any aircraft would have gone the way of all the looted artifacts from the thousands of looted tombs. Melted down and reused.


Staff member
That's a strong possibility. Stuff like that would probably go for a lot of cash; if it existed, someone most likely already made a wad of bills out of it.