Help me! I can't sleep!

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
I'm whuuuaaaa :yawn2: in need of sleeping. I had no more than 3 hours of sleep last 4 nights, with zero quality. Any miraculous recipes for provoking sleep, other than passion fruit juice?
I can'n work like this :yawn2: This gonna be a looooong afternoon. Somebody get a gun and put me out of my misery please...


New Member
Rusty and I have tried things like exercising an hour before sleep, drinking chamomile tea two/three hours before sleep, meditating (just sitting in bed with the light on, relaxing your mind & body and putting everything else out of your mind) just before bed... Food and drink should be avoided for a few hours before you go to sleep also.

Do you have a lot on your mind? Maybe it's overwhelming you... I always found taking my problems and dealing with them one at a time helped, otherwise I would worry too much.

Also, doing mindless things like watching tv or reading a book helped me... Other than that, I'm out of ideas. I hope it gets better for you!

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
Can drink milk anymore! :sick:
Trish I tried getting up and walking around my room for almost an hour. No deal. Also several teas, TV but have no book now. You just remind me though of trying to switch the radio on.
I bet you're right about not being able to keep problems out of my mind. From time to time, they insist in haunting me :( Thing is I don't know how to solve them...


New Member
At night I've been sort of daydreaming/writing a story in my head, it helps, just thinking of another world seems to help me let go of mine and I drift off nicely.

Maybe jogging after work or something active would tire your body enough that your mind would be willing to sleep?


New Member
Tea and milk and stuff like that is only good a few hours before sleep--if your stomach is digesting, your sleep won't be as good. I think the same thing goes for exercising... If you bring your heart rate up and then try to go to sleep, that isn't going to be good either.

I think the key is to start unwinding hours before you intend to sleep like leslie said. (leslie, I do the same thing with the stories, kinda like daydreaming, but I do it constantly!) You told me you like to jog, so maybe you could do that after work, before dinner. Eat something light, then have a cup of chamomile tea a few hours before bed, as little sugar as possible...

Don't think I haven't noticed that you haven't responded to my last email. :) If you are having problems, it might help to talk about them and tackle them one at a time.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
get laid by a woman who wishes post-coital conversation :D


Mushroom at large
It might sound corny, but have you tried meditation? Just sit with your eyes closed and clear your mind. Try to focus your eyes on the backs of your eyelids. Half an hour of that, and I'm ready for anything. Funny enough, I use the same technique if I'm tired and need to stay awake.

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
Don't think I haven't noticed that you haven't responded to my last email. If you are having problems, it might help to talk about them and tackle them one at a time.
I liked so much your surprise I decided I'll do the same. :p Will come to you someday :)


Hardware Reviewer
Gonzo said:
get laid by a woman who wishes post-coital conversation :D

That'd just about put anyone to sleep :whip:

I usually do a couple hundred sit-ups when I can't sleep :cool: After that if I still can't sleep I do about a hundred push-ups and 100-150 tricep-ups on my bedside :)

That said, now that my off-season is over, I'm running a couple miles hard every day, so I'm pretty worn out by 11pm. Used to be able to stay up til 2AM, now I'm limited to like 1230AM, which I still feel is too late. Its about 11PM now, and I'm heading off to bed soon. I'll mess with my secondary and terschiary computers tomorrow (setting up a 5-system gaming LAN :))