Dark Angel

Twenty million listeners are accustomed to hearing the refrain on the radio: "I'm Dr. Laura Schlessinger." While many assume that she's a licensed physician or psychologist, her doctorate is actually in physiology. What's most unfortunate is that Schlessinger uses her enormous media power to violate a key precept of health care: First, do no harm.
Dr. Laura does a lot of harm. Sitting at a microphone, she spews abuse at those who live outside the circle she has drawn around humanity. Being gay is "a biological error," Schlessinger proclaims.
Many of the people listening are youngsters. The other day, I heard a ten-year-old caller on Schlessinger's program, deferentially seeking advice. He got plenty of it, like everyone else within earshot.
If God made everyone and I'm a biological error, that means even God makes mistakes?
I'm reminded, when I listen to crackpots such as Dr. Schlessinger, that I'm not the one who's the biological mistake.
Now, need I go on......I've drawn my conclusion and it ain't a very nice one
Dark Angel.....getting darker by the minute