Got some hardware to burn? Put it on Genome for Xi!


Hardware Reviewer
Hmmm I have an XP@1700+, P4@3.33GHz+, and a Cel-T@1.1GHz (for now)...I'm using the P4 to crunch SETI full-time for 2CPU, and the XP crunches whenever its on. Soon enough the Cel-T will also be crunching 24/7. Does XiBase have a SETI team? I don't feel like abandoning 550 SETI WU's to start Genome :(


Hardware Reviewer
I take that back...maybe I'll start switching my stuff over to Genome...seems that our Genome team is doing a lot better than our SETI team ;) :D

How long do WU's take on your Genome boxes (list proc specs), just to give me an idea of how many WU's/day I'm looking at...

I gotta help get us to #1! :D Well, at least change our current pace to keep us in 77 and not fall back to 78 like the graphics are showing :eek:

I'll bother with converting my systems over tomorrow..


Staff member
thanks dean, i know it takes my machines less that a day to do a 100 gene a day. havent really timed them. cat could prolly tell you more about how long. I just know mine still isnt fast enough.


P4-2.5gig = about 60aa per 1hr. = 10WUs

Of coarse this will also vary, if you are surfing, playing music,
or running other apps.;)

and that's a modest formula, you may do more.:eh:


dEaN said:

I gotta help get us to #1! :D Well, at least change our current pace to keep us in 77 and not fall back to 78 like the graphics are showing :eek:

If it looks like our postion is being challenged,
I'll gear back up my self.;)


Staff member
yes, genmay appears to be creeping back up on us. those dirty$#@%#@$%$#&^@$%#


Hardware Reviewer
Nah, I'll convert my systems over tonight. We'll be getting another couple hundred WU's/week :) They won't stand a chance against us!


well, if the weather will stay above freezing here,
so I won't have to run my 220amp heater to keep the
water from freezing, I crank up my cel 2.0gig, and
xp2000+ soon.;)

Come on dean, crank them machines up.:p
Oh and make sure to run the dos client, not the graphic one.;)


Hardware Reviewer
How can I change my team name? I signed up long long ago. Can't really remember which email/pass I used, but if I could find a screen that would let me try some combinations, then I'm sure I could figure it out.


Hardware Reviewer
K, actually I just remembered my password, but I'd like to change my registered email addy (and team name of course!!!!), can I do this? How? I'm downloading the (console) client right now..


Hardware Reviewer
Awesome and away I go crunching on my P4 :) Though I'll probably be messing a bit more with overclocking tonight so I don't know how much it'll run tonight. Is there a program for Genome like SETI Driver? Makes things nice because I wouldn't have to have the GENOME DOS box taking up a space on my taskbar..


Hardware Reviewer
Sweet thanks! :) Once I run that installation, is it safe to delete my G@H folder on my C drive? I would assume it is..


yeah, except,I can't the parameters to c:\genome\...

If you change the dir try to make sure to keep the path dirs
to 8 letters or less.;)