Good Bye (for now)


I won't be coming here regularlyfor a while now. Saturday night was Homecoming Night, and my parents and I had a miscommunication on what I was doing later in the night (even though I made it CLEAR I was going to be at someone's house before we went out to eat). Wasn't a drinking party, just hung out for an our, went out to eat for an hour, and went back to a friends. Didn't come home till 4:15am, and my parents flipped.

So my dad, thinking he's a badass, cut the cat5 cable going to my room. He said "You'll be lucky if you have internet back before college."

My neighbor, though, got called for a good job, and we've been talking about wireless lan. So he'd have cable, and I'd be on it through the lan. Everything will have to fall in place for this to happen of course, and I hope it does.

But for now, I'd just like to say good bye, and it's been a pleasure talking to all of you.

- Kyle


Staff member
Dude, sorry to hear that, really sucks!

I'm really gonna miss getting owned by you in ra3. :cry2:


Staff member
Sorry to hear that kyle, ya never know, dad may get sick of you being constantly around now and splice the cable back:D


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Be smarter to run a clean line. Spliced cable sucks for quality. Ask anyone whose done any kind of token ring network maint or any other old 10Base2 or 5 network. Split coax sucks.


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
You sure to come back now, ya hear?

Let us know how the wireless setup goes.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Isn't the entire point of your dad's punishment to not have internet service? Imagine what happens when he finds you've gone wireless if this is the castigation for staying out too late.

Hope it gets better. :wave:


im a freak im so proud of that
sorry to hear that dude. good luck well miss ya. hope homecoming was fun. tkae care


Staff member
Acid....start kissing some dad ass immediately. Wash the car, clean out the garage, weed the gardens, wash some windows, clean the screens.