'Goner' suspects under house arrest in Israel


Staff member
[article=http://news.yahoo.com/h/nm/20011210/ts/tech_goner_israel_dc.html]``They are not bandits, they are regular kids. They are not computer geniuses, although one of them could write a program,'' Zohar told Reuters. ``I don't think they fully understood what they were doing.''[/article] That's a blind remark if I've ever seen one. :rolleyes:


Staff member
I read that article, what a waste. I believe they truly knew exactly what they were doing. I hope they get more than a slap on the wrist.:mad:


Staff member
Anyone ever hear anything else about these guys? Hopefully they got their computer privileges taken away from them permanently. Although it doesn't take much sense to realize you just don't open email attachments from people you don't know, and you don't rush to open email attachments even from people you DO know, there's still no reason for all these viruses and worms and shit to keep infecting the computers of the world and halting people's productivity! The economy is in bad enough shape already!