Gidday....New Girl in town


New Member
How's it going?

Thought I'd just introduce myself.....again.

Guess who?


First one to guess...... gets my vote for having a good memory.

I'll tell ya, it's great having access to a computer again


Don't lose any sleep now trying to find out who I am!


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
You're the only Kiwigirl I know that's been around here & I just happened to stop by & see your new monicker, kinda knew it had to be you :D

Xi has slowed considerably since NEO opened OT Central but we're still here & kicking.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Pra is gone as is warren, Q is here & OTC...most are still here, some have gone away & others are OTC whores.


Staff member
BROWNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wave:

....about time you came back!!!

pssst: didja see your food fight thread?'s still going:spin: