Free Download of Command & Conquer Gold Begins C&C 12th Anniversary Celebration


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
Downloading them now.

EA is offering Westwood Studios' seminal RTS Command & Conquer Gold as a free download starting today on the Command & Conquer website. The full game download, commemorating the August 31 release of the game 12 years ago, comprises two ISO image files and is also hosted on FileShack for your downloading pleasure.

We've got both ISOs up for download at FileShack. Get the the United Nations' Global Defense Initiative (GDI) disc here and the Brotherhood of Nod disc here. This version of Command & Conquer Gold is Windows XP compatible and identical to the version included in the compilation Command & Conquer: The First Decade. EA has also provided installation instructions for the game.

The announcement on EA's Command & Conquer Web site promises further goodies every week during the month of September.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Far Cry Free Full Game (Ad Supported)

Ain't nothing free ;)

Probably like the new map for BF2 wher they place billboards throughout the map advertising Intel :rolleyes:


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
I can't get C&C to work. Throws some sort of "internal read error" on setup.ins and bounces me out of setup.

Any ideas?


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Hmm... could be a barfed download. Trying the download again - and now it projects a mere 7 hours instead of 26 the last tme. On 3MB DSL.

Think they're slammed?


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Uh, yeah. 585 MB from fileshack, 384 MB from the actual manufacturer's website. :rolleyes:

Get it from the reliable source.


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
I've d/l'ed hundreds of things from fileshack; they are a legit site (sister site is Dunno why for the discrepency...:confused:


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
No, fileshack is fine. It's commandandconquer that's screwed. A quick web search shows I'm not the only one to hit this snag. If you want these ISO's and haven'r d/l'd 'em yet, save yourself some trouble and go to fileshack.


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
Ah :) That's what happens when I've been up for 48hrs straight :retard: Can't read anything...


Staff member
got mine from torrent. package included,
2 iso files
1 patch file for running in xp
1 Doc file with instructions for installing and running program in win2k and xp.

installed and running like a champ on my xp system