Since 4-15
And there's a shorter link...
It's not entirely that forum that is causing the slowing down of activity here. We don't have any uniqueness, at least none that I can see. That may offend some of you, but it is the truth. When was the last time we saw something here that is not even remotely similar to somewhere on another board?
Intelligent discussion...
Mindless spam...
Relative lack of flaming most of the time...
Occasional fight resulting in hurt feelings and artificially heightened activity...
Nope. Been other places, seen it all.
About the only thing unique to us that no other site has is the new design (of the Ice Cool theme) which has completely customized graphics (which look nice to me, but I'm biased cuz I made them

), and it doesn't look like that is a big attraction.
We went through this "Where the hell is all the traffic" a few months ago and everyone said it would start picking back up once winter was over and people would start getting out more and thus having more things to discuss. That doesn't seem to be happening. Spring is here, almost feels like summer, and the activity level is still down in the dumps. It almost looked like things were gonna start picking back up. Just a few weeks ago, we were getting 100-200 posts a day there for a while, wonder what happened to that?