For All Xibase Members... Got Something For You!

Can someone make a one paragraph caption for Xibase that I can to put on this page for you guys:

Its our links page and we want to promote Xibase and OTCentral.

The image there is just a sample but that one space will be both for Xibase and OTCentral. I'll let you guys know when its up.

Sam and Fury... I need to ask you guys a few questions about how you did the statistics page on OTCentral. Can you teach me?

Cheers guys and I hope you guys get a lot more traffic! :)


Staff member
ok heres my shot.....

Xibase, From computers, software, gaming to modding. We cover all your bases.
Stop in and talk about the latest video card or cpu you've overclocked.

I know, im still not good at this.