Fl has gone too far


Staff member
only when you're using your house as a commercial child/adult care center. and I don't see anything wrong with it to be honest. Greenwood IN has a similar ordinance in effect and as a result, you can walk into any store without choking and getting a few pounds of tar stuck in your lungs.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
"Only" is only the beginning. Agreed, this particular stipulation is not all bad but once they get in, look out.


Holla if you hear me!
Staff member
Smokes are $7.50/pk and rising here...cheaper to buy vodka


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Here in Oregon, you can't smoke in any workplace. Even if you run your business out of your home, regardless of the type of business, you ca't smoke there. Now that's dumb. Thanks to the Democrats and their Socialist Doctrine.


Bite me, munchkin. :)

I smoke. I don't smoke when it bothers other people, but I'll be damned if they tell me I can't smoke in my own home. Next they'll start telling you cheering folks out there that you can only drink on alternate Tuesdays in months that end in e. And it wasn't just the Dems that voted that in...FL is a GOP state.


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
True, but then today's Republican is a model of yesterdays Democrat... :retard:

Socialist statehood. Make sure you have your ID before you cross that state line. Gotta know where your going now and make sure your not smoking in your own car.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Damn Posty, you reading my mind or what? I've been hellbent on convincing people recently that todays Republican party is a whole lot like the Kennedy Democratic party. We have moved so far left nobody notices.


Hardware Reviewer
I don't see any problem at all with the laws that have been mentioned. But then again, since I don't smoke, I guess that's why :D

Drinking is cheaper and more fun. :beerchug: Shit...weed is almost cheaper than cigs these days.. :spin:


New Member
When you look at how much weed a person would normally smoke a day, it's probably a bit cheaper if not allot cheaper


I don't see any problem at all with the laws that have been mentioned. But then again, since I don't smoke, I guess that's why :D

Drinking is cheaper and more fun. :beerchug: Shit...weed is almost cheaper than cigs these days.. :spin:

Well...I hate to bring this up...no...really. The cigarettes are not really the problem. This is...Funny how that law got overturned, but smoking bans are still in effect, though, innit?

The regulation, known as the Clean Air Interstate Rule, required 28 mostly Eastern states to reduce smog-forming and soot-producing emissions that can travel long distances in the wind. The Environmental Protection Agency predicted it would prevent about 17,000 premature deaths a year.