Fallout Tactics


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Why, yes. Enjoying the hell out of it so far, but I've already had to start over because I figured out I screwed up the team makeup.


New Member
Oh man that sucks. I'm at mission 9 now and those damn Super Mutants are so damn hard to kill. Some have 120+ hit points and the all carry either a rocket launcher or other type of mini-guns etc. I finally got a guy with high gambling and strenth in my team. Getting those expensive items are so easy like getting candy from a baby. I must have won other 100 000 worth of stuff in like 10 min. or so. Including Metal Armor MKII 's. So make sure you have a guy who can gamble. Makes life so much easier.


Staff member
What's this game like? Turn based role playing strategy like Final Fantasy Tactics? If that's the case I will get it right away.


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
You can play in real time, squad turn based, or individual character turn based.


New Member
Originally posted by flavio:
<STRONG>What's this game like? Turn based role playing strategy like Final Fantasy Tactics? If that's the case I will get it right away.</STRONG>
Just like HomeLAN said. Your char. go up in skill and you have diff. types of members from mutants to ghouls. The game kicks real ass and there are so many guns etc. etc. You can even get into vechiles and drive over people. Here is there site addy :

If I was you then get it. I love it.


Eater of Hot Peppered Steak
(and length is a bad thing, nothing worse than finishing a $39 game on the first day!)


Staff member
I'm playing the second mission in the demo...

What the hell is "bandaged"? I had one guy that was bandaged and was unhurt at the same time but he couldn't move at all.

Now I have a guy that's bandaged and still getting around.


Staff member
OK, I'm good and stuck too. I have two doors that I could go through, both are locked.

I tried using my lockpick kit and lockpick skill with no luck. This sux.


Eater of Hot Peppered Steak
Flavio- Bandaged means that you must be cured with a DR. with a Doctors bag. Unfortunately, if you are also undamaged, then the DR bag doesn't work (at least not in the demo). Pop the dude with a .38 and then fix him with the DR bag.

If you get the message 'Doesn't seem to work' or something like that, it is a KEYED door. You need to dig up the key from bodies or containers.

(you can pop him by double right clicking in his direction)

[ June 15, 2001: Message edited by patweb ]


New Member
When you get the full version game you can use the upgrade patch to 1.25 or something. That will fix the bandage bug so you can fix up a guy even if he has full health. Some doors require more skill. One of my char. has a 120% lockpick skill and even with the lockpick he cant open certain doors. You will need the key.


Staff member
There were switches for the doors!

I finished the demo, the second level was pretty rough. Some guy named Psycho talked some stuff near the end, but went down pretty quick under fire from 5 sub-machine guns and a hunting rifle.

It was late when I went into the last building after that and I wanted to finish the level before I went to bed. I just ran right into the middle of the room with all my guys and started firing. I lost 2 guys, but finished the level.

If it was the real game and I lost 2 guys that would probably be bad right? I'll probably try it again.


I got it, but things didn't run right! I ran the tutorial thing, and there were people missing, the doorways didn't have doors in them, the rooms were empty, I was very desappointed. Not only that, but I don't even like that kinda game


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Losing a guy or two isn't the end of the world, but it's a pain in the butt. This is because you usually have somebody who specializes in one or two things (traps, lockpicking, pack mule) and you can't always find somebody to replace those skills.

As long as your personal character doesn't take the dirt nap, the game goes on.