Evidently I'm not that good a teacher.


Mushroom at large
The big wagon ('81 oldsmobile custom cruiser) has 3 fan belts ... one to power the AC, one to the power steering, and one for the alternator. Well, it's an easy job so I figured I'd drag V3.0 out on Sunday to learn how it's done. He was interested enough. We pulled off the old ones, carefully matching them to the new ones I'd bought. During reinstall, I did the AC one with his help. Then we tag teamed the power steering. I let him take lead for the alt belt, just supplying the muscle to tension it right.

Well, this morning, I got to redo it. Evidently he didn't get it all the way over the water pump pulley. DoH!!! I knew I should have taken it for a run last night .. but I didn't want to chance him seeing a failure. Better to be 10 minutes late to work.


Mushroom at large
Well ... the Alt belt was slipping a little so I adjusted it again ... and promptly stripped the threaded hole in the aluminium housing. DoH!!! Too bad the kids aren't about to learn how to install a helicoil.