Felix Culpa
Euthanasia or assisted suicide in Greek means "easy death".
There are two types of euthanasia. The first type is the one discussed the most often;
Active euthanasia is the use of tools to induce death; that is, drug overdoses, stopping life-saving devices, poisons, suffication etc...
Passive Euthnasia is when someone stops caring for themselves; that is, they know that they are ill, but stop taking their pills, going to doctors, going to a hospital, when they know taht this will lead to their death.
Euthanasia is talked about in the critically ill or old. When people cannot go on living because of constant pain, because they cannot move anymore, because they cannot think anymore or have no control over their bodily functions.
Would you consider this as a viable option for yourself if you, or someone that you loved, were placed in such a situation?
There are two types of euthanasia. The first type is the one discussed the most often;
Active euthanasia is the use of tools to induce death; that is, drug overdoses, stopping life-saving devices, poisons, suffication etc...
Passive Euthnasia is when someone stops caring for themselves; that is, they know that they are ill, but stop taking their pills, going to doctors, going to a hospital, when they know taht this will lead to their death.
Euthanasia is talked about in the critically ill or old. When people cannot go on living because of constant pain, because they cannot move anymore, because they cannot think anymore or have no control over their bodily functions.
Would you consider this as a viable option for yourself if you, or someone that you loved, were placed in such a situation?