Does Anyone Here Speak Italian™

If any of you here can speak, read or write Italian can you please translate this into English for me... my girlfriend really wants to know and if I find the answer before she does, I'll win the bet... I have to win!

Thanks all.


C'era la luna, c'erano le stelle
c'era una nuova emozione sulla pelle
c'era la notte, c'erano i fiori
anche al buio si vedevano i colori
c'era la voglia di stare ancora insieme
forse per gioco comunque ci viene
andare in giro mano nella mano
e raccontarci che per noi il mondo è strano
C'era una volta o forse erano due
c'era una mucca, un asinello e un bue
c'era una notte con una sola stella
però era grande luminosa e bella
e se ci va magari andiamo al mare
cosi' nell'acqua potremo sguazzare
e poi nuotare, fare il morto a galla
controlleremo se la luna è ancora gialla se
e mentre gli altri ancora dormono
magari sognano di noi
e mentre il cielo si schiarisce
noi guarderemo stanotte che finisce


il tempo va, passano le ore
e finalmente faremo l'amore
solo una volta o tutta la vita
speriamo prima che l'estate sia finita
il tempo va, passano le ore
vorrei poter non lavare l'odore
di questa notte ancora da capire
però peccato che dovrà finire

Se tutto passa tutto è già passato
peccato che non l'ho ancora capito
anche se non sei più tra le mie dita
stanotte la ricorderò tutta la vita
e se domani sentirò la tua mancanza
sarà perchè non ho più cielo nella stanza
avro' una foto per ricordare di quanto quella notte ti potevo dire
il tempo va...

Se non ho più parole nel cassetto
una poesia che non ho mai detto
un'avventura da ricordare quando non avro' piu' niente da dire
quando andro' a piedi per strada
comunque sia comunque vada
ogni volta che tornero' al mare avro' qualcosa da ricordare
il tempo va...


Noite Escura

The unpredictable
I can understand a bit, but not translatew it properly. I think a13antichrist claimed to know a lot of languages sometime ago in HWC. BTW did you tried altavista translator?


Staff member
Here is what i have so far...

ONLY Once (Or ALL the LIFE) was the moon, was the stars was one new emotion on the skin was the night, there were the flowers also to the buio looked at the colors was it still wants to be entirety perhaps for game however it comes to us to go in turn hand in the hand and raccontarci that for we the world is strange was once or perhaps they were two was a cow, asinello and an ox was a night with a single star but it was large luminous and beautiful and if it even goes to us we go to the sea thus in the water we will be able to sguazzare and then to swim, to make other anchor even sleeps dreams than we and while the sky schiarisce we will watch ourselves stanotte that he ends (chorus) the time goes, the hours pass and finally we will make the love single once or all the life we hope before that the summer is ended the time goes, the hours pass would want to be able not to wash the odore of this night still to understand but sin that it will have to end If all it passes all already sin is passed that I have not still understood it even if six more between my fingers stanotte I will not remember it all the life and if tomorrow I feel your lack is why I do not have more sky in the room avro' a photo in order to remember of how much that night I could say the time to you goes... If I do not have more words in the drawer a poetry that I have not never said an adventure to remember when avro' piu' nothing not to say when andro' on foot for road however it is however every time goes that tornero' to the sea avro' something to remember the time goes


Staff member
Did you try babelfish? It's part of the Alta Vista translator.


my days online are numbered
ONLY Once (Or ALL the LIFE) was the moon, was the stars was one new emotion on the skin was the night, there were the flowers also to the buio looked at the colors was it still wants to be entirety perhaps for game however it comes to us to go in turn hand in the hand and raccontarci that for we the world is strange was once or perhaps they were two was a cow, asinello and an ox was a night with a single star but it was large luminous and beautiful and if it even goes to us we go to the sea thus in the water we will be able to sguazzare and then to swim, to make other anchor even sleeps dreams than we and while the sky schiarisce we will watch ourselves stanotte that he ends


the time goes, the hours pass and finally we will make the love single once or all the life we before hope that the summer is ended the time goes, pass the hours I would want to be able not to wash the odore of this night still to understand but sin that it will have to end If all it passes all already sin is passed that I have not still understood it even if six more between my fingers stanotte I will not remember it all the life and if tomorrow I feel your lack is why I do not have more sky in the room avro' a photo in order to remember of how much that night I could say the time to you goes... If I do not have more words in the drawer a poetry that I have not never said an adventure to remember when avro' piu' nothing not to say when andro' on foot for road however it is however every time goes that tornero' to the sea avro' something to remember the time goes...
Muchas gracias mi amigos...

I'm beginning to get the picture. I'll go through it some more and hopefully understand it.

Thank you all so much for all the help... my girlfriend's in deep shit now!


Mushroom at large
I hope not. The last thing you ever want to do is be one up on your wife. Unless you like eating you supper cold and sleeping in the garage.


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Heh. You only think you won the bet. Read Prof's post. He's correct...frighteningly correct.
You guys forget that I live in the Philippines. We have cooks that cook, maids that clean, drivers that drive and houses that are cheap to build. Besides, the architectural plans of our house has a spare den for myself... I'll probably be living there most of the time anyway. :)

I don't want to get into any trouble though... I'll follow your advise - a little bit :)


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Originally posted by Professur
I hope not. The last thing you ever want to do is be one up on your wife. Unless you like eating you supper cold and sleeping in the garage.

She allows you IN the garage? LUCKY.