Do you like how Bush is handling things?


Staff member
Well do ya?

I think he's doing a great job. Not many people are able to stand up to the pressure of being the president in these times of extreme technological advances and people taking no responsibility, and there are even more pressures now considering the 9-11 attacks and the respective counter attack.

Bush has been handling this entire situation like a pro, and even though some people may crack up over the fact that Bush choked on a pretzel, and that he is sometimes tongue-tied, you cannot deny the fact that Bush is a brilliant man. So far he has done his job, and kept this volatile situation from turning into a total chaos any more than it already has been.

I think Bush deserves to be commended for continuing to accept Presidency.



I really don't like talk about Iran and N. Korea like he's been doing. Iran in particular could be a major force to deal with and off the cuff comments about them being evil is not going to help anything.

On the economic side of things, I am not 100% convinced that he knows what he is doing.

However, I am not 100% convinced about anything anyway. LOL.:D


Psycho Penguin
fury said:
Well do ya?

I think he's doing a great job. Not many people are able to stand up to the pressure of being the president in these times of extreme technological advances and people taking no responsibility, and there are even more pressures now considering the 9-11 attacks and the respective counter attack.

Bush has been handling this entire situation like a pro, and even though some people may crack up over the fact that Bush choked on a pretzel, and that he is sometimes tongue-tied, you cannot deny the fact that Bush is a brilliant man. So far he has done his job, and kept this volatile situation from turning into a total chaos any more than it already has been.

I think Bush deserves to be commended for continuing to accept Presidency.

I guess this shows just how well the propoganda machine works. :rolleyes: :D :rolleyes:


this is my special title
The only thing I fear coming out of a republican president is too much power to apply religious doctrine as law. Why can there be no candidate who professes conservatism without having the religious baggage? Why can there be no candidate who professes liberalism without being a tax whore and a dead fish on the international scene?


The problem is that society and politics have become so complex that no man or women that is elected can satisfy everyone. I don't like to get involved in political discussions these days. Things are just too complicated.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Reagan was the reason we were attacked on 09/11. Before the cold war ended, we knew who our enemies were, we ate lunch with them & discussed politics & world events. Nobody was prepared to step on toes, in a serious sense, because of the implications. Now, it's a free for all with the US & Western Europe as the main focus of animosity.
Cause and effect Gonzo...history is based on that, and so is the future...
If Reagan had acted differentely at that time, some other event after him could have happened, causing the same or a likewise current situation.
Blaming him for this would be a little bit short-sighted, don't you agree?

And for Bush...of course he's popular; he's defending his country against all terrorism in the whole world....yeah, as if he is gonna win that war :rolleyes:
But as long as he is fighting terrorism, most of the Americans will be glad with him doing his job.
Too bad he's forgetting totally about any policy concerning the rest of the world...his foreign politics totally suck. He's acting like the USA are the only country in the world and is 98 percent focused on internal politics...a great mistake of a country with such an influence on the rest of the world.

As for all this stated above: it is totally my opinion....


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
There hasn't been enough time to judge. He hasn't completely sucked, which is good, but it takes at least a decade to look over policy changes & judge the merits based entirely on their own, without partisan interference. Ask again in about 2012.

SF-It was an attempt at humor against Reagan-the most loved and overrated US politican since I can't remember who.


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
If Bush was actually the one running the show, then I would say good job. However, I think Dick Cheney and Colin Powell are doing a great good if ya ask me. :D


New Member
PostCode said:
If Bush was actually the one running the show, then I would say good job. However, I think Dick Cheney and Colin Powell are doing a great good if ya ask me. :D

Great men suround themselves with great people. What? What am I doing here then? lol :D :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


TEHRAN, Iran (CNN) -- A top Revolutionary Guards commander has warned that his forces will destroy Persian Gulf oil fields if the United States threatens Iran.

The deputy commander of the guards, Sardar Zolghadr, made the statement in an interview with an Iranian television channel, according to press reports here Saturday.

not good