Do you believe in fate?


New Member
Is your future already written and you are making choices that are already mapped out, or do you think that the future is not written and that our choices change the future?

Ideas or opinions?


Staff member
I believe to an extent that our decisions more or less define our future, but ultimately I do think there are certain fates for every person. Not necessarily decided and enacted by any omnipresent being(s), but for instance telepathic connections between two people that subconsciously bring them closer together. Stuff like supernatural forces making you do stuff you don't remember deciding to do, like repeatedly finding yourself bumping into some hot chick wherever you go.

Noite Escura

The unpredictable
Every day I live believe more in fate.
I believe there are three kinds of people.
-The ones that can make every choice they have and do everything they want and all will be fine to them. Even bullshit they do is for their better being. I know 2 or 3 like that.
-The ones that will only get something due to their own efforts. They are fated(sp?) to fight all their lives for what they want.
-The ones that will never get anything but sh!t from life. Doing or standing still would not bring much of a change.
I've lived enough to know I don't belong to the first group. But I still hope I can fit in the second.

Edited to replace the "thays" by "theys" damn I'm losing my ability to type.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Doesn't the simple act of a predetermined existence undermine everything. Why try if you can't change the outcome-ie if you're in a fistfight, fate says you win then you just hit the other person a few times but if you're the loser, just don't fight , save yourself the bruises & let the vicor keep the spoils, it'll happen anyway.

NO FATE! it would suck :scared:


One of a Kind
I believe in fate. There are certain things that were meant to happen to you and be brought your way. Now how you deal with them is how you change the future with your own hands. I don;t think that your desicions are mapped out for you, but what happens in you life is.


Mushroom at large
I believe in fate. I just don't believe it has total control. If you're fated to do something, or meet someone, you'll do it, eventually. But, you'll be the one who controls the when and how.