Do "Real" Christians Drink??


Official Wine Taster
That was the topic in my Sunday School class last week. Now, i know everybody's got a position on this topic, includin' me, but I'm curious what you think.


Staff member
This is another matter that is purely subjective.

If one is a Christian and they still drink, does that mean anything except they drink? Does it mean that they are any less a Christian, or even that they are any less a person?

I don't think drinking in moderation (e.g. celebratory, social drinking) would mean that, but if someone is a downright drunkard and is the equivalent of a chain-smoker who drinks, then they really need to get help. Alcoholism is a deadly disease. It's like a plague... anybody who suffers from it will make everyone around them suffer from it as well.


Staff member
I dont see a problem with drinking, it like anything else If you do it excessivly then you got problems.