Huge:, of course!
Things may have changed a bit lately, maybe, I'm not sure. XiBase and used to be sort of like sister sites...OK, maybe distant-cousin sites...what with sharing many of the same members, the same ICQ AL, many of the same staff (brainsoft, Huge), etc.
Now some of the staff here are more from OCN, where my worst side sometimes gets dragged out. There may be some ill-feelings toward me by some people. I'd like to think that those members here that are active at will vouch for my good side, though.
But basically, what it comes down to is that I'd love for this site to participate in the Genome@home project, and to do so through the Team. Obviously, anyone can join whatever team they want, but if the powers-that-be here would suggest, in some type of official manner, that anyone just getting into the project do so through the team, that would be great. As was mentioned earlier, the XiBase banner or logo, whatever you want to use, could then be added to the stats page (even above mine, if you want), and we could add other links in other places, on my site on our Genome info page, whatever. I'm open to talking about it.
Look, I know the OCN team is #3 right now, and is only #21. But the fact is, that
because we are not so high, by joining our team ( you will more easily see what kind of a difference you make. If you join OCN, it will be long hard work for you to get up; it might be discouraging. On the team, you might move up in the ranks more quickly, as well as also seeing how you've helped the team as a whole move up.
(Is that enough spam for one post?

But seriously, guys, think about it!
