Damn leadtek....


Staff member
I think my GTS died... i cant get the picture to come up or even get it to show its getting signal from the card. This will really tick me off.:mad: :mad: :mad:


Staff member
i generally just leave the monitor running along with the comp. Ran it friday night fine. was gone sat, came in sunday night the monitor was lit up like it was getting signal but black screen. tried to reboot system same thing. Turned off the monitor and back on , no luck. stuck in matrox g450 dual head card. viola! it got signal.
I am gonna test it in anther machine to make sure , but im really pissed that this happened within 6 months. what a piece of crap.:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


Bumbling Idiot
Staff member
Sorry to hear that, Neo. I've been running a leadtek GeForce 2 for a year now, no sweat. Are you running through a UPS? I'm wondering if maybe we had a slight power surge.


Staff member
Yep, running a UPS also. very strange.... Im hoping they honor theyre 3 year warranty...otherwise ill let them know i will post on the front page of my sites and in the forums that they dont...:mad:


Staff member
It sounds like the card went belly up:cry:
Hope you can get one under warranty.... or maybe put it towards a gf3:D


Staff member
Well, this is getting stranger by the day... I reinstalled the card today(after i ordered in a ATI Radeon 7000) and guess what. Now it is working, we'll see how long. i hate when hardware acts flakey.


New Member
Originally posted by Neo
Well, this is getting stranger by the day... I reinstalled the card today(after i ordered in a ATI Radeon 7000) and guess what. Now it is working, we'll see how long. i hate when hardware acts flakey.

my t-bird system is acting up too...
if it freezes under windows, and if i press the reset button. The thing will not post. However, if i hold the power button to shut it up and turn it back on again, it will post.

still trying to figure out why


Staff member
AHHHHHH.....i just watched my 19 inch monitor drop to a 3 inch monitor. This is bad, very bad. the picture shrank and wont come back to where its supposed to be.:mad:


Originally posted by saltedeggman

my t-bird system is acting up too...
if it freezes under windows, and if i press the reset button. The thing will not post. However, if i hold the power button to shut it up and turn it back on again, it will post.

still trying to figure out why

are you running a Abit Kt7A with a hercules 3dprophet II pro?

if so this is a known problem and the card can be returned for a new one.


might be monitor might be card?? only way is to flip flop from a good sys ect.....

Take card and pop in good sys see if it works,attatch monitor to a good sys and see if it works ect......

saltedeggman ,that isnt UN-Common...the hardware most likey video card freezes up and a quick reset doesnt unfreeze it ,only a complete power down and power up (Cold boot)unfreezes the card and removes power from it and resets everything.No mystery there.

You should CLEAN install from scratch.Formatt C: and install windows 98 and d/l all the LATEST drivers for your system.

And install the drivers in the correct sequence and install win98 with only video card ,then after Motherboard/chipset drivers and agp and video drivers add each card(sound /nic/modem ect..) one by and install latest drivers for all.

Install windows then chipset drivers (4 in 1's) then Vid card drivers ,then one by one all other catds.And dont d/l Free crappy software from the net thats free because they dont spend the r&d time on testing thus making it free.