might be monitor might be card?? only way is to flip flop from a good sys ect.....
Take card and pop in good sys see if it works,attatch monitor to a good sys and see if it works ect......
saltedeggman ,that isnt UN-Common...the hardware most likey video card freezes up and a quick reset doesnt unfreeze it ,only a complete power down and power up (Cold boot)unfreezes the card and removes power from it and resets everything.No mystery there.
You should CLEAN install from scratch.Formatt C: and install windows 98 and d/l all the LATEST drivers for your system.
And install the drivers in the correct sequence and install win98 with only video card ,then after Motherboard/chipset drivers and agp and video drivers add each card(sound /nic/modem ect..) one by and install latest drivers for all.
Install windows then chipset drivers (4 in 1's) then Vid card drivers ,then one by one all other catds.And dont d/l Free crappy software from the net thats free because they dont spend the r&d time on testing thus making it free.