Couldn't drag me there with a team of horses.


Mushroom at large
Where is the place you'd least like to go? I'm not talking places like prison of the chair. I mean places like Montana: the state with no features. Or California, the state that is falling apart. Or Quebec, where there are more French people than bullets.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Kruz hit the nail right square on the head: OHIO SUCKS!!!!!


I think the Middle East or anywhere in Europe is "soooo 5 minutes ago".

I get this trade newsletter email and I've noticed lately there have been alot of job openings for engineers in India lately :laugh:


Staff member
Doesn't Montana have mountains? Aren't those features? ...and I'm in California and somehow didn't notice it falling apart.

Ohio definately sucks but since I spent most of my life there I'll go back to see friends.

Is this supposed to be the last place you would go or move to?

I'm thinking line-dancing in Oklahoma would be the last place I would go.


I won't go back to where i've been Floradia, Texas,or Maryland,
they sucked big time:bigvomit:


Official Wine Taster
Don't wanna be anywhere away from my children, or my Girl! Fortunately, there are few places that we all can't go in my Jeep!!:D