Christmas Present


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Ok. Got my Christmas present from my boss this year today. A kick ass black case with a black floppy and CDROM drive. Now, as I understand it, spray painting plastic is a nogo. The best way to get plastic to another color is to dye it. Anyone know anything about this? What I wanna do is pull the CDRW interface off and dye it, then do the same to my monitor.


New Member
That's cool! I can't remember the last time I got a real present from my boss. Or a bonus for that matter. :(

What color are you going to dye it? I reccommend green ;)


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
hehheheh. No. I wanna tear my monitor apart and dye it black along with the face plate to my CDRW. All black.


Everday People
Getting a DELL it sounds like hehehe Oh in 25 years I actually got a Christmas card with a tenner in it from my supervisor and that was a big shock peeps.BD