Careful what you say to Dear Abby


Mushroom at large
Anyone stupid enough to write a newspaper columnist and declare that they're a pedophile deserves what he gets.


I wont argue. The least the guy could of done was use a fake name.

However, I really don't think that Dear Abby is trustworthy. What if someone had made it up just for a joke?


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
If someone had made it up the cops wouldn't have found 9(?) child porn pics on his computer.


Staff member
9 pics?
I get more than that by accedent when i use picture sucker, and do a search of news groups.... I get large amounts of pics of all sorts and descriptions at a time and sort through them when i have time...
If the cops ever got hold of my computer before i deleted the crap I guess I would have some explaining to do:(


Kruz is right. If you run a bot on the newsgroups, you will never know what it will get.

If the guy really wanted to curb his sexual feelings, he should have deleted those pictures.


New Member
Police said 40 pornographic photographs of children were found in his computer after his arrest Monday.

I guess this is an update to the original article that was posted. I don't know about you but it doesn't seem to be a mistake that he acquired those pictures anymore.

I never knew that 'Abagail Van Buren' (the original Dear Abby) wasn't writing the column anymore. I haven't read it in years but I feel a little slighted. ;) Did she die? Is her sister ('Ann Landers') still writing her own column?


I think the original article that I posted a link to answers some of those questions.


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
Yeah. Don't trust her. She's a "journalist" who's first interest should be to protect her clients....back stabbing b****


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Dear Abby&#174 #1 nor #2 is NOT a journalist. They are columnists. There is no reason to protect the integrity of some sick fuck who likes kids & is dumb enough to sign his real name.


Perverted Penguin
Staff member
You probably right but integrity is something she's lost. Going to the police, whether right or wrong has shown her to be a snitch. I agree it was the correct thing to do, don't get me wrong here, but now people will be less likely to write on the grounds she's going to turn them in. What she going to do when a girl writes in because he kid is a shoplifter or her boyfriend beats her or her daughter does crank? People are better off not writing to her.


New Member
s4 said:
I think the original article that I posted a link to answers some of those questions.

Actually it doesn't say if either Abby or Ann are alive and doesn't say if Ann is actually still writing her own column which is why I asked.


I wonder why anyone would write to these people?

Sorry greenfreak, I don't know the answers to your questions.