Jose Darcy Luckmann died at 04-25-2005 at the Lauro Reus Hospital In Campo Bom, Brazil, by the age of 77. Around him were his wife, son, daughter, nephew(which he raised as son), sister and a grandson(myself)
Son of settlers, descendant from German immigrants, he was the elder of a family of six. Helped to raise them out of poverty. Married at 18 had 2 sons(and raised a nephew also), 6 grandsons and 2 great-grandsons. Worked the grounds in his early days, never studied beyond 4th grade, but still, managed to learn about machines and mechanical work. Worked all his life for a same company(a small machine making workshop) until retiring. Climbed his way into it by working in all branches os the company until become manager. Skilled in mechanics, used home available, spare components to design and construct a rudimnentary(yet efficient) machine to produce braid(tranced?)-wire fences, which he used to improve the family's income.
Was the adviser and pillar of all the family for generations.
As for his person, I can say he was the type of man who does what has to be done, above his own feelings. Gentle and polite for a man without studies, had a sensitive soul, yet could be a tough as nobody else if needed. Despite friendly, you could tall easily when he was speaking seriously, for he did not take lightly serious matters. I owe his so many traces of my personality I can't count.
Sorry if I extended much, I just wanted to share little about this man I learned to love and respect and who I will patiently and gladly wait to meet again when I'm called to the ohter side.

Thank you all once again.