Bowling for Columbine


New Member
So we were watching this documentary last night, about Columbine and other school shootings, and the question my husband brought up was, How come only white school shootings make headlines, when there are shootings happening in minority areas daily?


New Member
has there been any under-reported instances of a minority student going on a random shooting spree?
i haven't heard of any instances similar to Columbine happening in a minority school.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
kuulani said:
So we were watching this documentary last night, about Columbine and other school shootings, and the question my husband brought up was, How come only white school shootings make headlines, when there are shootings happening in minority areas daily?

(near) Daily occurences aren't news.

"Dog bites man" wouldn't make the paper, "man bites dog" might.


Infinitesimally Outrageous
Staff member
Let's increase taxes, lessen personal rights & build more parks. After all, it's for the children.


Mushroom at large
Naw. Let's take them into the woods, and see how many are smart enough to bring along a loaf of bread.


kuulani said:
So we were watching this documentary last night, about Columbine and other school shootings, and the question my husband brought up was, How come only white school shootings make headlines, when there are shootings happening in minority areas daily?

The reason things like columbine make the news is because those types of shootings in middle class schools are a phenomenon that most people don't understand. This phenomenon hasn't occured to the same extent in minority or lower class schools. Sure there are a lot of shootings and violence in lower class schools but like you said it's on a daily basis so the story gets old. Secondly that type of violence is explained much more easily drugs, poverty, etc which makes it less interesting to middle class America. I don't think it has to do with color but the Attention span of Americans and entertainment value.

The truth is ugly.


I have no idea!
kuulani said:
So we were watching this documentary last night, about Columbine and other school shootings, and the question my husband brought up was, How come only white school shootings make headlines, when there are shootings happening in minority areas daily?
That would be the us and them mentality. I had a good friend in college who grew up in Bedford-Stuyvesant (a NYC neighborhood that really is like thay want you to believe Harlem is) and he always said that a week never went by where at least one person wasn't killed in his high school. He graduated in 1973. That was them killing each other, why should we care?

Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.
*The more things change, the more they stay the same.*


im a freak im so proud of that
great movie.

happens all teh time in inner city schools, but the media doesnt use them :rolleyes: its about ratings and most suburban schools are usually safe. and its a pick/choose thing with the news. its more news if its not expected or soemthing like that


chcr said:
That would be the us and them mentality. I had a good friend in college who grew up in Bedford-Stuyvesant (a NYC neighborhood that really is like thay want you to believe Harlem is) and he always said that a week never went by where at least one person wasn't killed in his high school. He graduated in 1973. That was them killing each other, why should we care?

If they would've stopped it then, what kind of impact do you think it would have made today?