Why would an Interstate bridge collapse? Now I'm nervous.
SALLISAW, Okla. (AP) - A barge knocked out a 400-foot section of a bridge on Interstate 40 over the Arkansas River early Sunday, sending several cars plunging into the water, the Oklahoma Highway Patrol said.
At least three people were being treated for injuries, hospital officials said, and more ambulances were arriving. The Sequoyah County Sheriff's Department and the Oklahoma Highway Patrol said they were in a state of emergency.
Several cars were in the water, and dive teams were on the way to the scene, in the southwest part of the state, said Sam Graves, communications officer for the Highway Patrol.
A second bridge, at Webbers Falls, where traffic would have tried to pass after the first bridge collapsed, also was hit Sunday morning and was shaking but hadn't collapsed, Webbers Falls Mayor Jewell Horn said. She said that bridge had since been closed.